@Tanakasan1734 wrote:
I have two form fields that are basically XNOR for validity, they can either both be empty or both be populated. It’s a formgroup of 4 overall, two of them are required and then these two as above.
I am using a formgroup level validator and I can see that when I manually set them as touched, invalid and dirty the relevant ng- classes change however the ionic ones stay and don’t change until I enter and then leave the text box. This means when I can one the status of the other doesn’t appear to change in the ui.
How can I make the ion classes follow suit with the ng- classes?
const formGroup: FormGroup = new FormGroup({}, this.scaleMatchValidator); // make 4 weight boxes (m/f, rx/s1) formGroup.addControl('rx_male', new FormControl('', Validators.required)); formGroup.addControl('rx_female', new FormControl('', Validators.required)); formGroup.addControl('s1_male', new FormControl('')); formGroup.addControl('s1_female', new FormControl('')); ... scaleMatchValidator(g: FormGroup) { const female = g.get('s1_female'); const male = g.get('s1_male'); let isValid = false; if (male && female) { male.setErrors(null); female.setErrors(null); if ((male.value && female.value) || (!male.value && !female.value)) { isValid = true; } else { male.setErrors({scalseNotValid: true}); female.setErrors({scalseNotValid: true}); male.markAsTouched(); female.markAsTouched(); male.markAsDirty(); female.markAsDirty(); } return isValid ? null : { scalseNotValid: true }; } }
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