@lex2012 wrote:
Hello everyone,
I am trying to connect to a my band 3 bracelet through bluethoot ble to read the heart rate. I try to pair the device through the protocol in which I must send a message and wait for a response with a startnotify before, but I do not receive anything from the bracelet. I have read that before I must activate the notifications through the descriptor 2902, but I could not get it. This is code I have at the moment. Any help will be very welcome, thanks.var auint=new Uint8Array(18); auint[0]=0x01; auint[1]=0x08; auint[2]=0x30; auint[3]=0x31; auint[4]=0x32; auint[5]=0x33; auint[6]=0x34; auint[7]=0x35; auint[8]=0x36; auint[9]=0x37; auint[10]=0x38; auint[11]=0x39; auint[12]=0x40; auint[13]=0x41; auint[14]=0x42; auint[15]=0x43; auint[16]=0x44; auint[17]=0x45; //let buffer = new Uint8Array([ 1, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]).buffer this.ble.connect(device.id).subscribe( data => { console.log("conectado"); this.conectado=true; console.log("vinculando...."); console.log("Realizando la primera escritura..."); this. // this.ble.write(device.id,'fee1', '00000009-0000-3512-2118-0009af100700', data.buffer).then(d=>{}).catch(err=>console.log(err)); this.ble.writeWithoutResponse(device.id,'fee1', '00000009-0000-3512-2118-0009af100700', data.buffer); this.ble.startNotification(device.id,'fee1','00000009-0000-3512-2118-0009af100700').subscribe(buffer=>{ console.log("ha habido cambios! se ha recibido lo siguiente:"); let data= new Uint8Array(buffer); console.log(data); if (data[1]==0x01){ console.log("al principio"); let buffer1=new Uint8Array([2, 8]).buffer; this.ble.write(device.id,'fee1', '00000009-0000-3512-2118-0009af100700', buffer1).then(d=>{}).catch(err=>console.log(err)); }else if(data[1]=0x02){ console.log("en medio"); let buffer1=new Uint8Array([3, 8,]).buffer; this.ble.write(device.id,'fee1', '00000009-0000-3512-2118-0009af100700', buffer1).then(d=>{}).catch(err=>console.log(err)); }else{ console.log("ha finalizado"); } },err=>console.log("no notificacion",err) ); },err=>console.log("Errrir¡¡¡ a conectar", err) );
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