@rubenmiq wrote:
Hi all,
I am using the advanced plugin to make calls to a legacy api that can’t implement a cors policy.
My problem is that even if i set a timeout the request doesn’t seem to respect that number and throws lots of errors of connection timeout after 10000ms and other errors.Did any one experienced this, and how did you mitigated the problem?
Here is my code
constructor(private http: HttpClient, private nHttp: HTTP, private plt: Platform) { } get(url, customParameters?, altmethod?, attempts?:number, customHeaders?) { if(this.plt.is('cordova') && !altmethod) { this.nHttp.setRequestTimeout(30); if(!attempts) attempts=0; return from(this.nHttp.get(url, customParameters?customParameters:this.defaultGetParams, customHeaders?customHeaders:this.defaultHeaders)).pipe( map((response:any) => { if(response.data) return JSON.parse(response.data); else { if(response.status && response.status<=0 && attempts<3) { this.get(url, customParameters, altmethod, attempts+1); } else return response; } }) ); } else return this.http.get(url, { headers: new HttpHeaders(customHeaders?customHeaders:this.defaultHeaders), params: new HttpParams({fromObject: customParameters?customParameters:this.defaultGetParams}) }).pipe(map((response:any) => { return response; })); } post(url, data, customHeaders?, usePlainData?:boolean, requestTimeOut?:number, attempts?:number) { let httpParams = new HttpParams({ fromObject: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)) }); if(this.plt.is('cordova')) { if(usePlainData) this.nHttp.setDataSerializer('json'); else this.nHttp.setDataSerializer('urlencoded'); if(requestTimeOut) this.nHttp.setRequestTimeout(requestTimeOut); else this.nHttp.setRequestTimeout(30); if(!attempts) attempts=0; return from(this.nHttp.post(url, data, customHeaders?customHeaders:this.defaultHeaders)).pipe( map((response:any) => { if(response.data) return JSON.parse(response.data); else { if(response.status && response.status<=0 && attempts<3) { this.post(url, data, customHeaders, usePlainData, requestTimeOut, attempts+1); } else return response; } }) ); } else return this.http.post(url, usePlainData?data:httpParams, { headers: new HttpHeaders(customHeaders?customHeaders:this.defaultHeaders) }).pipe(map((response:any) => { return response; })); }
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