@alkahtani wrote:
I have an issue to figure out why http.get working only in first call but nothing happed when i use back button and route again to the same page “only first rout resolve date and if use back button and route again with new route parameter http.get not get any data”.
Service Code
public getListingDataSource(slug: string): Observable<FoodListingModel> { console.log('service : get param ' , slug ); // i have an issue here , this return wont executed when route param changed , it resolved in the first time only. return this.http.get<FoodListingModel>('./assets/sample-data/food-listing/listing.json') .pipe(map(res => { const items = res.items.filter(item => item.slug === slug); res.items = items; return res; })) ; }
Resolver code
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot ) { const itemSulg = route.paramMap.get('categoryId'); const dataSource: Observable<FoodListingModel> = this.foodListingService.getListingDataSource(itemSulg); const dataStore: DataStore<FoodListingModel> = this.foodListingService.getListingStore(dataSource); return dataStore; }
.page.ts code
this.route.data.subscribe((resolvedRouteData) => { const listingDataStore = resolvedRouteData['data']; listingDataStore.state.subscribe( (state) => { this.listing = state; }, (error) => { console.log(error); } ); }, (error) => { console.log(error); });
const routes: Routes = [ { path: '', component: FoodListingPage, resolve: { data: FoodListingResolver, }, runGuardsAndResolvers: 'always', } ];
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