I’m writing test cases for react ionic app ( using tab template ). I want to test when I click on IonTabButton it should redirect to the correct route. How can I achieve this? Below is the code I’m trying
test("redirect to posts", async () => {
const history = createMemoryHistory()
const { baseElement, getByTestId } = render(
<Router history={history}>
<App />
const postBtn = await getByTestId("posts"); // It's not able to find element with posts
and In IonTabButton
<IonTabButton data-testid="posts" tab="posts" href="/posts">
src="/assets/icon/active/category_show.png" />
How can I add testid in IonTab Button
And in another test which is on button component (HTML component), in this test case getByTestId is working but click on it causing below error:
TypeError: ionRouterOutlet.commit is not a function
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