Hello! I’m having trouble using (ionSelect) in my Ion Radio Group. I have three choices and placed ionSelect in a different area for each choice to find the correct placement - but it’s not firing! Here is my code:
<ion-radio-group [(ngModel)]="paymentType" (ionSelect)="paymentChosen()">
<ion-item lines="none">
<ion-label lines="none">Cash</ion-label>
<ion-radio slot="start" value="cash" (ionSelect)="paymentChosen()"></ion-radio>
<ion-item lines="none">
<ion-label lines="none" (ionSelect)="paymentChosen()">Credit Card</ion-label>
<ion-radio slot="start" value="credit-card"></ion-radio>
<ion-item lines="none" (ionSelect)="paymentChosen()">
<ion-label lines="none">COD</ion-label>
<ion-radio slot="start" value="cod"></ion-radio>
In my .ts file:
Nothing logs to the console. What do y’all advise?
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