I am currently doing native builds of a pure Cordova app via Ionic Appflow.
The build runs successfully and I can install the app on my Android device.
But when the app starts, the deviceready event is not fired.
This notice comes in the console:
deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds.
Channel not fired: onCordovaInfoReady
Many people online had this problem and almost everyone was able to fix it by manually uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin.
But of course this is only possible with local builds and not with the cloud builds in Ionic Appflow.
I have commented out as much as possible from my config.xml so that I can tell which plugin it is.
I only have the plugins “cordova-plugin-device” and “cordova-plugin-ionic-webview” in it.
If both plugins are installed, the problem occurs.
If only one of the two plugins, no matter which one, is installed, the deviceready event is fired normally.
I built the same app with the same plugin versions locally and in Phonegap Build and the deviceready event works there.
This also suggests that the online error descriptions that the plugin is broken and that it has to be manually uninstalled and reinstalled are correct.
And it’s not a general problem with the plugins.
Could it be that there is a problem in the Ionic Appflow and he loads the “broken” plugin with every build?
The following line also appears in the build log.
Did that mean that the plugin already exists on the build server and is loaded from there?
Discovered saved plugin “cordova-plugin-device”. Adding it to the project
[19:03:52]: ▸ Installing “cordova-plugin-device” for android
I also get the following message in the build log. The ID “f537d27d” is the same every time. Does that mean that I end up on the same build server every time?
Running with gitlab-runner 11.3.1 (0aa5179e)
on Ionic Package Android Runner f537d27d
Does anyone have any idea how I can solve the problem?
Here is my current config.xml:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget id="de.xxxx.xxxxx" version="2.3.5" android-versionCode="235" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" xmlns:gap="http://phonegap.com/ns/1.0" defaultlocale="de-DE">
<author email="xxx@xxx.xxx" href="https://xxx.de">xxxx</author>
<content src="index.html" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-device" source="npm" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-ionic-webview" source="npm" />
<icon src="www/icon.png" />
<platform name="android">
<icon density="ldpi" src="res/icon/android/drawable-ldpi-icon.png" />
<icon density="mdpi" src="res/icon/android/drawable-mdpi-icon.png" />
<icon density="hdpi" src="res/icon/android/drawable-hdpi-icon.png" />
<icon density="xhdpi" src="res/icon/android/drawable-xhdpi-icon.png" />
<icon density="xxhdpi" src="res/icon/android/drawable-xxhdpi-icon.png" />
<icon density="xxxhdpi" src="res/icon/android/drawable-xxxhdpi-icon.png" />
<resource-file src="www/img/pushicon.png" target="app/src/main/res/drawable/pushicon.png" />
<resource-file src="www/img/pushicon.png" target="app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/pushicon.png" />
<resource-file src="www/img/pushicon.png" target="app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/pushicon.png" />
<resource-file src="www/img/pushicon.png" target="app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/pushicon.png" />
<resource-file src="www/img/pushicon.png" target="app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/pushicon.png" />
<resource-file src="www/img/pushicon.png" target="app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/pushicon.png" />
<resource-file src="google-services.json" target="app/google-services.json" />
<platform name="ios">
<icon height="57" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon.png" width="57" />
<icon height="114" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-2x.png" width="114" />
<icon height="40" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-40.png" width="40" />
<icon height="80" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-40-2x.png" width="80" />
<icon height="50" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-50.png" width="50" />
<icon height="100" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-50-2x.png" width="100" />
<icon height="60" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-60.png" width="60" />
<icon height="120" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-60-2x.png" width="120" />
<icon height="180" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-60-3x.png" width="180" />
<icon height="72" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-72.png" width="72" />
<icon height="144" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-72-2x.png" width="144" />
<icon height="76" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-76.png" width="76" />
<icon height="152" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-76-2x.png" width="152" />
<icon height="29" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-small.png" width="29" />
<icon height="58" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-small-2x.png" width="58" />
<icon height="87" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-small-3x.png" width="87" />
<icon height="167" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-83.5-2x.png" width="167" />
<icon height="1024" platform="ios" src="res/icon/ios/icon-1024.png" width="1024" />
<splash src="res/Default@2x~universal~anyany.png" />
Sincerely yours
Felix Sasse-Middelhoff
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