@pierro wrote:
I finally fixed an old issue that wouldn't allow me to build my app after downloading the native facebook plugin (phonegap).
( Problem of "multiple dex" => different use of android support library v4 / v13)For info, I fixed it by adding the rule
configurations {
all*.exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'support-v4'
in my build.gradle (in repertory platform/android)HOWEVER, now that I fixed this native login, sending notification works, but receiving them breaks my app.
I am using OneSignal to send / receive push notifications. (and not ionic push; although there might be some left over of this plugin in spite of it being removed from cordova plugin list)
Is Onesignal using that android support v4?
Did anyone face this problem as well?Thanks for your help and advises.
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