@joelromuald wrote:
I am starting with Ionic and worries. I want to want to create an app that is related to my site designed with WP install wordpress with REST API in the latter. mo problem is lorque I get the list of my posts it is displayed but the image does not aafiche. someone please just help me? below my code block.<ion-view view-title = "Posts"> <ion content> <ion refresher on-refresh = "doRefresh ()"> </ ion refresher> <ion-list> <ion-item class = "item-icon-right" ng-repeat = "post in track posts by $ index" href = "# / app / posts /}} {{post.id" track> <img = ng-if "post.featured_image" ng-src = "{{post._embedded ['http://v2.wp-api.org/attachment'] [0] [$ index] .source_url}}" class = "AlignLeft" /> <h2 ng-bind-html = "post.title.rendered"> </ h2> <p ng-if = "post.excerpt.rendered" ng-bind-html = "post.excerpt.rendered"> </ p> <i class = "icon-ion chevron icon-accessory-right"> </ i> </ Li-item> </ ion-list> <ion-infinite-scroll ng-if = "moreDataExists ()" On-infinite = "loadMore ()" distance = "1%"> </ Li-infinite-scroll> </ ion content> </ Li-view>
Thank you
Posts: 2
Participants: 2