I try to create a starter app with Capacitor and Svelte. Everything works fine except one thing, when I use native html anchor ( with svelte-routing) for navigate the there is a slow respond time to user interaction, maybe 400ms, before app react.
can you tell me if i did something wrong please ?
the starter repos → https://github.com/flameapp-io/svelte-capacitor-tailwind-starter
My navigation component :
<script lang="ts">
import ThemeSwitch from '$lib/ThemeSwitch.svelte';
import { Link } from 'svelte-routing';
type NavLink = {
name: string;
url: string;
const navLinks: Array<NavLink> = [
name: 'Home',
url: '/'
name: 'Example',
url: 'example'
<nav class="flex items-center">
{#each navLinks as link}
<Link to={link.url} class="mx-5">{link.name}</Link>
<ThemeSwitch />
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