I’m trying to find the best solution with the latest version of Ionic and Capacitor.
My main target is Android.
I have large amount of pictures (thousands) and I want to give the user the ability to add them to favourites, to mark them as read and to hide (ban) them.
I want also to give them the ability to search them by tags (there are also thsoudands of them) ansd save sets of tags.
I want to give them the ability to do it locally, on the device, without having to query a distant database to save those informations.
I think that I will have to do some SQL queries, so I’m not sure that ionic-storage will be enough for this practice?
I’ve found a lot of tutorials, but they are all outdated, using Ionic 5, Cordova, etc.
Do you know if there is a simple example repository with a orking up-to-date example of Ionic 6 + database working ith Capacitor?
3 posts - 2 participants