I am using a Bluetooth LE plugin to connect android and iOS devices via bluetooth. Similar platform OS’s(iOS to iOS and Android to Android) can establish connection successfully. However, when trying to connect iOS to Android or Android to iOS, the state of the device remains disconnected and I want to establish the connection between iOS and Android.
Please refer to my sample source code GitHub - sblsatwikha/TestBluetooth
I have also added the log file in the same repository TestBluetooth/LogFile at e72e13b8bb6d787cfb4253e27c74b19994e10248 · sblsatwikha/TestBluetooth · GitHub
and this is the plugin I integrated following the ReadMe file in GitHub - capacitor-community/bluetooth-le: Capacitor plugin for Bluetooth Low Energy
And I also tried with all the below plugins.
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