@agustaf9 wrote:
My app works fine in the browser. It also opens up to the login screen on my phone like it's supposed to, but after logging in the screen is blank. I can watch the requests on the server as I press where the buttons are supposed to be, but the screen stays blank.
Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
angular.module('finance') .controller('addExpenseCtrl', function($scope, Expense, ionicToast, $state) { $scope.expenseData = {}; $scope.newExpense = function () { var expense = new Expense($scope.expenseData); expense.$save() .then(function(expense) { $state.go("private.home"); ionicToast.show('Expense Added.', 'bottom', false, 1500); }) .catch(function(errors) { var errorMessage = []; angular.forEach(errors.data, function(key, value) { errorMessage.push(value + " " + key); }); ionicToast.show(errorMessage, 'bottom', false, 2500); }); }; }) .controller('loginCtrl', function($scope, $auth, ionicToast, $state) { $scope.loginData = {}; $scope.submitLogin = function() { $auth.submitLogin($scope.loginData) .then(function(resp) { $state.go("private.home"); ionicToast.show('Login Successful.', 'bottom', false, 1500); }) .catch(function(resp) { var errorMessage = []; angular.forEach(resp.errors, function(value) { errorMessage.push(value); }); ionicToast.show(errorMessage, 'bottom', false, 2500); }); }; }) .controller('addIncomeCtrl', function($scope, Income, ionicToast, $state) { $scope.incomeData = {}; $scope.newIncome = function () { var income = new Income($scope.incomeData); income.$save() .then(function(expense) { $state.go("private.home"); ionicToast.show('Income Added.', 'bottom', false, 1500); }) .catch(function(errors) { var errorMessage = []; angular.forEach(errors.data, function(key, value) { errorMessage.push(value + " " + key); }); ionicToast.show(errorMessage, 'bottom', false, 2500); }); }; }) .controller('viewCtrl', function($scope, Income, Expense, $ionicLoading) { $scope.finances = []; Expense.get() .$promise.then(function (response) { angular.forEach(response.expenses, function(expense) { expense.type = "expense"; $scope.finances.push(expense); }); }); Income.get() .$promise.then(function (response) { angular.forEach(response.incomes, function(income) { income.type = "income"; $scope.finances.push(income); $scope.hide = function(){ $ionicLoading.hide(); }; }); }); }) .controller('editIncomeCtrl', function($scope, Income, ionicToast, $stateParams, $state) { $scope.incomeData = {}; var income = Income.get({id:$stateParams.id}) .$promise.then(function (response) { $scope.incomeData = response.income; }); $scope.updateIncome = function () { Income.update({id:$stateParams.id}, $scope.incomeData) .$promise.then(function(response) { $state.go("private.viewFinances", {}, {location: 'replace'}); ionicToast.show('Updated Successfully.', 'bottom', false, 1500); }) .catch(function(errors) { var errorMessage = []; angular.forEach(errors.data, function(key, value) { errorMessage.push(value + " " + key); }); ionicToast.show(errorMessage, 'bottom', false, 2500); }); }; $scope.deleteIncome = function () { Income.delete({id:$stateParams.id}) .$promise.then(function(response) { $state.go("private.viewFinances"); ionicToast.show("Successfully deleted.", 'bottom', false, 2500); }) .catch(function(response) { ionicToast.show(response.status, 'bottom', false, 2500); }); }; }) .controller('editExpenseCtrl', function($scope, Expense, ionicToast, $state, $stateParams) { $scope.expenseData = {}; var expense = Expense.get({id:$stateParams.id}) .$promise.then(function (response) { $scope.expenseData = response.expense; }); $scope.updateExpense = function () { Expense.update({id:$stateParams.id}, $scope.expenseData) .$promise.then(function(response) { $state.go("private.viewFinances", {}, {location: 'replace'}); ionicToast.show('Updated Successfully.', 'bottom', false, 1500); }) .catch(function(errors) { var errorMessage = []; angular.forEach(errors.data, function(key, value) { errorMessage.push(value + " " + key); }); ionicToast.show(errorMessage, 'bottom', false, 2500); }); }; $scope.deleteExpense = function () { Expense.delete({id:$stateParams.id}) .$promise.then(function(response) { $state.go("private.viewFinances"); ionicToast.show("Successfully deleted.", 'bottom', false, 2500); }) .catch(function(response) { ionicToast.show(response.status, 'bottom', false, 2500); }); }; }) .controller('homeCtrl', function($scope, $auth, $state) { $scope.reload = function() { $state.reload(); }; $scope.logout = function() { $auth.signOut() .then(function(resp) { $state.go('login') }); } });
"use strict"; angular.module('finance', ['ionic', 'ngResource', 'ionic-toast', 'angularMoment', 'ng-token-auth']) .config(function($authProvider) { $authProvider.configure({ apiUrl: 'http://development.strawzberry.com:3000/v0', storage: 'localStorage', }); }) .config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) { $stateProvider .state('login', { url: '/login', templateUrl: 'templates/login.html' }) .state('private', { url: '/private', abstract: true, template: '<ui-view/>', resolve: { auth: function($auth) { console.log("Validate User called"); return $auth.validateUser(); } } }) .state('private.home', { url: '/home', templateUrl: 'templates/home.html' }) .state('private.addExpense', { url: '/addExpense', templateUrl: 'templates/addExpense.html' }) .state('private.addIncome', { url: '/addIncome', templateUrl: 'templates/addIncome.html' }) .state('private.viewFinances', { cache: false, url: '/view', templateUrl: 'templates/view.html' }) .state('private.editIncome', { url: '/editIncome/:id', templateUrl: 'templates/editIncome.html' }) .state('private.editExpense', { url: '/editExpense/:id', templateUrl: 'templates/editExpense.html' }); $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/login'); }) .run(function($ionicPlatform, $rootScope, $state) { $rootScope.$on("$stateChangeError", console.log.bind(console)); $rootScope.$on("$stateChangeError", function(err) { $state.go('login'); }); $rootScope.$on('auth:validation-error', function(error) { console.log("Validatition Error") }); $rootScope.$on('auth:invalid', function(error) { console.log("Invalid Token") }); $rootScope.$on('auth:validation-success', function(resp) { console.log("Validation Success") }); $rootScope.$on('auth:logout-success', function(ev) { console.log("Logged Out"); }); $rootScope.$on('auth:login-success', function(ev, user) { console.log("Logged in as " + user.email); }); $rootScope.$on('auth:login-error', function(ev, user) { console.log("There was an error logging in"); }); $ionicPlatform.ready(function() { // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard // for form inputs) if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) { cordova.plugins.Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar(true); } if(window.StatusBar) { StatusBar.styleDefault(); } }); });
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