@kalilmaciel wrote:
I finally got fixed a problem that other peoples here has faced. If I have a Slide Box, and inside this slide box I have some scrollable content (as a list or a vertical scroll), the handling of scroll and slide is so hard that makes dificult to use.
I resolved this by adding a limit to the scroll to work before activate the slide. The attribute limitslide is the limit to the slide left or right is inactive before be active. Follow this guide:
This is the view
<ion-slide-box mainslidebox limitslide="100"> <ion-slide> //Scrollable content </ion-slide> <ion-slide> //Scrollable content </ion-slide> </ion-slide-box>
This is the controller's Javascript
$scope.init = function () { //Disable slide of slidebox $timeout(function () { $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.enableSlide(false); }, 100); $scope.destaque = mock.destaques; };
Create this directive
//This takes care of the slidebox angular.directive('mainslidebox', function ($ionicGesture, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, elem, attrs) { var limit = attrs.limitslide; $ionicGesture.on( "dragleft", function (ev) { if (ev.gesture.deltaX.toFixed(0) < (limit * -1)) { console.log('Esquerda'); $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.enableSlide(true); } }, elem ); $ionicGesture.on( "dragright", function (ev) { if (ev.gesture.deltaX.toFixed(0) > (limit * 1)) { console.log('Direita'); $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.enableSlide(true); } }, elem ); $ionicGesture.on( "release", function (ev) { console.log('Release'); $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.enableSlide(false); }, elem ); } }; })
I hope this help other people with same problem. This could be added to the Ionic project (just a suggestion
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