@evandillon wrote:
Hi all. I have a template that has the line:
<div class="select-box-container" ui-view ng-cloak name="tune-step-partial"></div>
And then $stateProvider.states that provide views to this ui-view as the user navigates.
.state('tab.tune.setup', { url: '/setup', abstract: true, views: { 'tab-tune@tab' : { templateUrl : 'templates/rider/tune/tune.template.html', controller : 'TuneCtrl' } } }) .state('tab.tune.setup.make', { url: '/make', views: { "tune-step-partial" : { templateUrl : "templates/rider/tune/partials/tune.setup.make.html", controller : 'TuneCtrl' } } })
The problem I am having is two-fold. First, I am finding that the previous view remains viewable to the user for a moment as the new view loads. And second, as the user navigates deep in the sibling views, both views eventually remain in view until the user does something like clicks a radio button. Neither of these are issues during development and only appear in the iOS simulator or when loading a build onto a test device.
When it's working correctly, I can see that a second div is added to the template then quickly removed. When it isn't, the second div is added, but isn't removed.
<div class="select-box-container" ui-view ng-cloak name="tune-step-partial"></div> <div class="select-box-container" ui-view ng-cloak name="tune-step-partial"></div>
Has anyone else seen this and give me an idea about what to look at for a fix?
Many thanks
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