@pliablepixels wrote:
Hey all, all of a sudden, when I go to notifications menu in iOS, I don' see any way to enable push notification sound for my app and nor do I see any way to change alert style. I've tried re-installing/removing/recompiling - nothing works. I know it worked a few days ago, and I have no idea what changed.
Here is the image in notification center
I am receiving push notifications, but have no idea why these options disappeared. Any thoughts?
Here is how my app is initing the push setup
function pushInit() { var push = PushNotification.init( { "android": {"senderID":zm.gcmSenderId, "icon":"ic_stat_notification" } }, { "ios": {"alert": "true", "badge": "true", "sound": "true"} } );
I am using APNS dev certificates and in my provisioning profile using which I compiled the code, I have Push entitlement enabled
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