@RWilliams wrote:
I have Ionic push notifications working perfectly for Android and almost perfectly for iOS - with the exception that no sound is produced on the arrival of a notification.
My code is as follows:
var push = new Ionic.Push({ "debug": false, "onNotification": function (notification) { var payload = notification.payload; console.log("on notification: " + notification, payload); }, "onRegister": function (data) { console.log("on register: " + data.token); }, "pluginConfig": { "ios": { "alert": true, "sound": true, "badge": true } } }); var user = Ionic.User.current(); var callback = function (pushToken) { console.log('Registered token:', pushToken.token); user.addPushToken(pushToken); if (!user.id) { user.id = Ionic.User.anonymousId(); } var success = function (response) { console.log('user was saved'); }; var failure = function (error) { console.log('user was NOT saved' + error); }; user.save().then(success, failure); } push.register(callback);
Currently using:
iPad 2,
iOS: 8.4.1,
Ionic: 1.1.0,
Ionic CLI: 1.7.7,
phonegap-plugin-push: 1.2.3,
Cordova: 5.3.3,If anyone has any ideas as to why this might be that'd be great
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