@rajamohammed wrote:
What im trying to achieve :
When the user clicks on a image placeholder the image is downloaded from the server to the device (to a specific location) , the downloaded image path is then stored in the $socpe and displayed to the user .
Below is my contorler
.controller('NDetailCtrl', function($scope, $state,$stateParams,$ionicLoading,$ionicHistory,$timeout,$cordovaFile,$cordovaFileTransfer) { $scope.image = ''; // triggered on click $scope.downloadFile = function(image) { var url = "http://app.example.org/uploads/"+image ; var filename = url.split("/").pop(); var targetPath = cordova.file.externalRootDirectory+filename; var trustHosts = true; var options = {}; $cordovaFileTransfer.download(url, targetPath, options, trustHosts) .then(function(result) { // Success! console.log(JSON.stringify(result)); $scope.resource = result.nativeURL; // This return the file location as // file:///storage/emulated/0/[filename] $scope.image = true; console.log($scope.resource); }, function(error) { // Error alert('Error : Some Thing went wrong !'); }, function (progress) { $timeout(function () { $scope.downloadProgress = (progress.loaded / progress.total) * 100; }); }); }; })
I have whitelist config as well this one is inserted inside diviceready event
When i try to load the returned path using ng-src it doesn't display any thing , just a blank white space .
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