@smhharan wrote:
Hi All,
I am trying to use ngCordova Bluetooth serial module in my app. I am trying to create a service that I could use in my controller. I have managed to get the list of bluetooth devices and I am able to log it within the service but I am not able to return the result back to the controller for further processing. Any help on this is much appreciated.
here is service
bluetoothServices.jsangular.module('myApp.bluetoothServices', ['ngCordova']) .factory('bluetooth',['$cordovaBluetoothSerial','$ionicPopup','goBackMany','$q',function($cordovaBluetoothSerial,$ionicPopup,goBackMany,$q) { // if isEnabled returns failure, this function is called: var showNotEnabledAlert = function(title, message) { var alertPopup = $ionicPopup.alert({ title: 'Bluetooth not found', template: 'Bluetooth on the device is not enabled. Please enable bluetooth before connecting.' }); alertPopup.then(function(res) { goBackMany(1); }); }; var listPaired = function($q) { // list the available BT ports: var d = $q.defer(); $cordovaBluetoothSerial.list().then( function(results) { d.resolve(results); }, function(error) { d.reject(error); } ); return d.promise; } return { autoconnect: function(name) { $cordovaBluetoothSerial.isEnabled().then( listPaired, showNotEnabledAlert ); } }; }]);
And here is my controller
angular.module('myApp.controllers', ['ionic', 'ngCordova', 'ngMessages']) .controller('bluetoothCtrl', ['$scope', 'bluetooth', function($scope,bluetooth) { $scope.data = {}; bluetooth.autoconnect('sdc').then(function(data){ console.log(data); }); } ]);
When I console log within the service in listPaired function. I am able to see the results but when I do the same in the controller, I am not able to get it. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here.
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