Customize popover to be the same width of its ion-select
@ghadaRadwan wrote: hey guys, I’m implementing PWA concept, My problem is we need the popover of ion-select to be the same width of its parent (responsive) our solution so far was to handle it by...
View ArticleMs-adal fails with XCode 11 (but works OK with Xcode 10.3)
@elaval wrote: My app authentication using ms-adal was working fine when I used XCode 10.3. But user authentication FAILS WHEN I BUILD THE APP WITH XCODE 11 I get error message...
View ArticleCordova Plugin not getting installed
@SwiftAntIonic wrote: Hello, Am trying to install the the SQL lite using the following commands but am getting the below error always, Also, i could not install any of the cordova plugins. please help...
View ArticleIonic cordova app install android mobile, the top header like tower symbol,...
@manosaravanan wrote: logo.png800×709 49.6 KB Create simple ionic cordova with navbar application and generate apk and install android emulator or mobile device, screen take full width and not show...
View Article[ERROR] Cordova is not supported for react projects
@imetallica wrote: Hello everyone, I’m trying a Ionic + React project and when I try to use any ionic cordova command, i get the following error: [ERROR] Cordova is not supported for react projects...
View ArticleiPhone/iPad Device Orientation
@tumain wrote: Hi guys, Since the iOS 13 and XCode update I am not sure how to set different orientation methods for the iPhone and iPad through XCode. Before, there was a tab for iPhone and iPad,...
View ArticleHow to exit the app please?
@noxdigital wrote: Hello, I’m under Ionic v4, and I would like to exit the application from JavaScript. All solutions found on this forum or on Google doesn’t seems to works: ionic.Platform.exitApp()...
View ArticleIonic , is it possible to pinch zoom page like web on mobile?
@pdj wrote: Hi I’m developing app with ionic4 but wondering if there’s any chance that ionic app also can be pinched zoom in - out just like chrome web browser on mobile devices… I thought ionic is...
View ArticleUnable to download pdf file from google drive
@sachinsonar wrote: hello, I want to download pdf file from google drive. I have getting right now this response but not able to download pdf file from google drive. Please, someone, help me how to...
View ArticleHttp and cache in Ionic 4
@BBenard wrote: Hi ! CACHE ! I’ve got a cache when I call my API from my Ionic 4 app. It’s not what I want because my values are updated in the backoffice but I still GET the old values in my ionic...
View ArticleArray for days of the week
@TMZINHO wrote: friends could you help me? create a one vetor(array) for day of the week and display the dish of the day Posts: 1 Participants: 1 Read full topic
View ArticleCreating/storing series of numbers in Firestore and Ionic 4
@obinnae wrote: I’m building a v4 app (Firebase Firestore backend) where a user can buy tags (8-digit alphanumeric characters like 00000001, a1234567, etc). My question is, how do I store the tags in...
View ArticleWhy does Ionic 4 provide NavParams either it does not work?
@Dovel wrote: import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { NavParams } from '@ionic/angular'; @Component({...}) export class MyPage { constructor( navParams: NavParams ) {...
View ArticleApps is not changing after ionic live deploy on iOS
@aaron-cardenas wrote: Apps is not changing after ionic live deploy on iOS. First i thought the culprit was a new native build, but i have tried with previous native builds that used to work and not...
View ArticleDetect if mic is in use by another app such as native phone calls
@leighmillard wrote: Afternoon all, is it possible to detect if the user is already making a phone call? (natively) or if the mic is in use from another app. I am doing voice recordings but it has...
View ArticleSince Ionic 4, the BLE connection is interrupted when Chrome Inspector is used
@Dovel wrote: Maybe I’m alone with this issue. But I hope someone experiences the same problem. When I hit the “Inspect” button in Chrome dev tools remote devices, the bluetooth connection is...
View ArticleHow To Remove StatusBar From SplashScreen Capacitor
@Joshmat wrote: Please is there a way to remove or hide StatusBar from SplashScreen using Capacitor SplashScreen in Ionic 4? Posts: 1 Participants: 1 Read full topic
View ArticleIonic proxy
@aManziClarens wrote: HI! does anybody knows how can I delete my proxy configuration? Every time i run ionic info: Environment: proxy : http://IP:80/ I have already run: npm config rm proxy npm config...
View Article[IONIC 4] Como capturar texto de uma imagem e converter apenas ficando o texto
@tmg22 wrote: Bom dia, Estou com problemas ao tentar criar um aplicativo onde ele capture uma imagem da câmera ou do armazenamento do celular. Essa imagem contém texto e preciso converter essa...
View ArticleStop ionic audio file
@safaAlshaarri wrote: hi every one i have project where i play audios when i click back it should stopped the audio but the audio keep playing even when i use this:...
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