Capacitor Keyboard "resize": "none" only working for iOS
Unsure if this is a new feature added or I just discovered it, but you can inside of capacitor.config.json set the following: { "appId": "", "appName": "Foo Bar", "webDir": "www",...
View ArticleAngular PWA tab router limitation? android back button can not go back...
Hi We are developing a PWA with Ioinc 5 + Angular + capacitor, and there is a page with 3 tabs. the current design allows each tab url to be share and reload without any issue. However, when I open...
View ArticleTab Bar and Side Menu
Hi, I have one doubt about the tab bar and side menu, can we use both but not at the same time. I mean for the browser I need to use the side menu and for mobile, I need to use the tab bar, so can we...
View ArticleIonic 6 navigateroot not working
I’m using ionic 6 angular. when I used navCtrl.navigateroot(‘page’) it’s goes that page. After that press the android hardware back button it goes to the previous page. how to fix that issue 1 post -...
View ArticleIonic Select Popover does not include options
I have copied and pasted an example straight from the docs: <ion-select interface="popover" placeholder="Select One"> <ion-select-option value="brown">Brown</ion-select-option>...
View Article*ngIf not working in ng-container element
Hello, I’m starting a new project and am having a problem. I’ve added a new page and in the html template I want to use ng-container element with ngIf. To test this, I’ve listening to the...
View ArticleHow to add event listener on month change event in an ion-datetime?
Hi, On ion-datetime, if I change the month using the arrows < or > or if I slide the page to change the month, how can I trigger an event with the month value and the year value that is...
View ArticleHow to resize image?
Hi all, I am doing a diary app, which just let user take a photo or choose an image and then, I will resize the image, so that I can show the image as a thumbnail. How can I do that with capacitor? (I...
View Articledd/mm/yyyy format for datepipe.transform method in .ts file
I need to parse a csv file which has a date column in dd/mm/yyyy format. And i need to change this date to yyyy-mm-dd format to save it in database. So I use datepipe.transform method for this as...
View ArticleIonic v1 android 11 does not show images
After updating the android api version to 30, when I take a photo on the camera the image is not displayed on the screen, the same happens when I use external images, the problem started when I...
View ArticleIon-select: How can I make a text dependent on a variable?
Hello, I have already created the following code. Now I would like to display a different text block under the selection field for each individual value. How does this work? <ion-item>...
View ArticleSelect component with options populated via api search
I’m wondering if there’s a solution for a selector with a search bar that populates options via an api request. I’m looking for something like vue-select package, unfortunately that package doesnt...
View ArticleHow to save file on new android
Hi all, I want to save a image locally, maybe in Documents or Gallery. But How can I do that? Here is my code: const canvas = await html2canvas( document.querySelector("#beautifulImage") as any )...
View ArticleNamed views when using IonRouterOutlet?
The RouterView component allows for the use of “Named Views”. Is it possible to get this same functionality when using Ion-RouterOutlet? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleIn app browser loadstop is not triggered untill click on the done button in ios
I am using InAppBrowser on my ionic4 ios app in app browser version : 5.36.0 cordova-inappbrowser : 5.0.0 ios deployment : ios 14 The objective is to close the in app browser after success payment in...
View ArticleMedical Malpractice Attorneys Florida
One of the Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Florida to contact for redressal of your grievances is your Scott The Lawyer. It is one of the highly renowned firms that has helped thousands of people...
View ArticleIonic-vue scrollToTop not working
I have a problem where I’ve added a scrollToTop button in my app and it works on the first page that I’m on for that app after a refresh. If I go to any other link in my app and click the button, it...
View ArticleNo such module '..Kit' when using Capacitor Plugin
I’m building an Capacitor Plugin. To autenticate a user using WebAuthn (since this is not yet suported in WKWebView-based browsers) Within this plugin I’m using WebAuthnKit I added it to my Podfile of...
View ArticleCheck fake gps / mock location
Hello i am using capacitor 3, is there any way to check if the device using fake gps application? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleWARNING:: Configuration 'compile' is obsolete and has been replaced with...
i’m trying to upgrade classpath to classpath ‘’ i’ve added it in build.gradle Project like picture shown, but still get the...
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