Ion-card looks bad in dark mode
When I use an ion-card component, and I put another component type inside of it, such as a ion-item or ion-list, the rendering in dark mode looks really bad. The card has this gray background color,...
View ArticleIon-tabs with login page 🤯
Really sorry if this has already been answered somewhere else, none of the other posts I found seemed to solve the problem I’m having… I’m trying to put tabs on a page called ‘dashboard’, where the...
View ArticleInternal Server Error when reload in Ionic Angular Universal
The first time it loads without an issue but, when I try to reload routes with query params like this localhost:4000/u?u=6222d4fd021b3080bc4aa6d4 , it shows me this message. This is the error message...
View ArticleIon Router - state lost
Hi i´m using createContext, useReducer and build a state managment. Now i use IonReactRouter IonRouterOutlet and Route. When i click on a Rout the state is getting lost. i guess a beginner question...
View ArticleIs it possible to access capacitor storage data from iOS Widget?
I would like to create an iOS widget for my app. In my Ionic Capacitor app I am saving a list of locations using the capacitor Storage api. Would it be possible to access these locations from a...
View ArticleFeature Requests
It would be great to see the following in the AppFlow UI current/last build status next to each app number of live updates next to each app enable/disable automations group apps manually - or use...
View ArticleIonic production build not the same as preview
I created my base UI for a shop grabber application for a shooter game and it looks good. I used the ion-card components. I used the ion columns and rows for the layout. The live preview shows the UI...
View ArticleIonic 6 - Add image between the ion-button and the ion-title in the ion-toolbar
Hello! I’m trying to add an auto-adaptive image between the ion-button (menu button) and the ion title that I placed on the right within my ion-toolbar but I’m stuck with scss and the documentation...
View ArticleUsing Unity Ads Cordova Plugin in Capacitor
Hello everyone, I would like to use com-artemisoftnian-plugins-unityads3 Cordova plugin inside my Capacitor app. As you know that plugin is not one of Ionic Native plugins. I added plugin name to...
View ArticleSet swiper-pagination-bullet width to fill out the space
I’m trying to style swiper pagination bullet of swiperjs inside my ionic app to look like this: At the moment I got this result setting width to 30% since there are just three bullets. Without...
View ArticleCapacitor x Svelte Kit
i try to run it for my project but then i failed to npx cap sync. it says that the web assets directory must contain index.html and when i add it into build folder, everytime i do npm run build the...
View ArticleSpacing or Padding between header and
Quick question here guys, I cant seem to figure this out. I have a nested router inside of a component. My main routes are contained in my App.tsx file as shown here. const App: React.FC = () => (...
View ArticleTesting using Playwright device emulation with push notifications
Is anyone using Playwright to test their app that has support for push notifications? I’ve got a react app that uses the Local Notifications and Push Notifications Capacitor v3 plugins. Whenever I use...
View ArticleIonic 6 Infinite scroll bug with Vue Vite
Hi ! Recently I tried to implement Ionic Infinite Scroll, which would fetch data from axios, but faced with an issue, it just doesn’t work out. Seems like an integrational issue with Ionic itself....
View ArticleCode-push sdk.isAuthenticated is not a function
Hi, I am trying to run the code-push release command code-push release-cordova MyApp-Android android -m on my ionic-v3 project. But after Releasing update contents to CodePush: I am getting the below...
View ArticleIon-datetime badge
Hi community! I’d like to implement a date-picker that highlights particular days, ideally with a number badge (let’s say on some days there are “x” events and I want to see it very quickly when...
View ArticleError in multi ./node_moduls/@ionic/angular/core/css in ionic5?
Hi team, I have converted angular to ionic properly but after ionic serve I got below error,can anybody tell m how you fix it? Please let m know how to fix it? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleHow to push notification with firebase FCM to all users of my App with Ionic ?!
I need to notify all users with news , i did only notification method with token of user but notification shown only on the device of this user , i need to notify all users any help please ? 1 post -...
View ArticleAzure B2C AD
Did any one managed to authenticate without using ionic enterprise key. I need something simple to authenticate external users in Azure AD? Any sample code I can refer to? 1 post - 1 participant Read...
View ArticleCrazy error deploy iOS "bundle identifier"
Hi, was trying to archive my ionic4x app and it works as normal but when tried to publish receive this error: No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier...
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