Doodle Poll like functionality for Ionic?
Does anyone know if there are any good libraries or plugins to accomplish a doodle poll similar to what is found on where a given set of users can select from a group of future times /...
View ArticleHow to set null/undefined to Timestamp in Firebase
Using latest Angular 13/Ionic 6/AngularFire 7.2 I know how to setup a model/interface with a TimeStamp Null but is there a way to set a key/value pair inside an object to null if its a timestamp...
View ArticleWeird page transition glitch
(topic deleted by author) 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleFileSystem.WriteFile returns undefined
I am trying to download files using the filesystem API to my local storage, the data is converted to base64 from the back-end… From the console log I can see the base64 Data, the problem is that...
View ArticleHow can we create widgets in ionic iOS?
please suggest any plugin or share any source code for widget integration. Thanks 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleCan't run new. ionic v3 project with m1 macbook pro
I made new ionic v3 project with command ionic start teethProject --type=ionic-angular but just making project cause problem. check python checking for Python executable "python2" in the PATH gyp verb...
View ArticleIos not using custom usage description strings for permissions
Hi folks my usage description strings for permissions are not getting picked up in the final build. I’m referring to the likes of NSMotionUsageDescription and NSCameraUsageDescription just as...
View ArticleMemory leak while talking to SQL Lite (iOS)
Hi. I have a fairly advanced app built with cordova/ionic. We have a big database and do a lot of requests to it. cordova-sqlite-ext plugin is being used to work with the database. This has started as...
View ArticleHTTP request error on iOS. Working fine other platforms
Hello guys - I am receiving this error when using my freshly compiled app on a physical iOS device on XCode. I’ve had a good google about this, but all the other questions seem to pertain to this...
View ArticleIonic capacitor v3, is not working email composer
Hello, everyone. I am Silas, I used @ionic-native/email-composer and @awesome-cordova-plugins/email-composer in capacitor v3 But these are not working for me. If you have solutions, please help me...
View ArticleHTTP request error on iOS
Hello guys - I am receiving this error when using my freshly compiled app on a physical iOS device on XCode. I’ve had a good google about this, but all the other questions seem to pertain to this...
View ArticleIssue with reactivity in Vue with Pinia and router caching pages
It can be the dumbest question, but I think not. Lets imagine you have an app that has a login, donwloads some data and then you can log out. Lets imagine you have 2 pages. So you step on all of them...
View ArticleEvent when the same option is selected in ion-select?
I need to do some stuff when the same option from the ion-select menu is selected. However, I can’t find a way to make it work. There is no way to watch for value changes since there are no changes to...
View ArticleSwiper (slideChange) doesn't work
Hello, can anyone tell me why the interpolation of the index property doesn’t work? the value remains fixed at 1. .html <swiper (slideChange)="onSlideChange($event)"> <ng-template *ngFor =...
View ArticleHide side menu in vue app
I am relatively new to ionic and vue, I created an application with a sidemenu, however I would like to hide this sidemenu on specified views lets say the login view, below is my code <template>...
View ArticleIonic serve | Node packages may not be installed
$ ionic serve ng.cmd run app:serve --host=localhost --port=8100 [ng] Node packages may not be installed. Try installing with ‘npm install’. [ng] Could not find the...
View ArticleIonic cordova build --release android generates aab file instead of apk
ionic cordova build --release android generates aab file instead of apk how to solve this issue 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleInput type=file FileReader onloadend works on browser but not in mobile
I have a simple file input which called selectFiles($event) on change. The files then passed to a FileReader. The exact same code below works well when on a desktop browser through >ionic serve....
View ArticleCapacitor with cordova-plugin-nativeaudio produces no audio and no errors
Using latest Ionic 6 and Capacitor 3.4 and following the instructions here: Native Audio | Cordova Native Audio Plugin for Audio Playback Note: I am using a fresh install just to insure the plugins I...
View ArticleTranslate3d over voiceover badly calculates the selected area
Hello everyone, I would like to report the following bug connected to the ion-virtual-scroll ionic element, and with it’s translate3d formula. So, we have a list of users… Sometimes this list can...
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