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onNotification pushes notification in background but not in foreground


@DSFARGEG wrote:

I am currently encountering an issue where when I send my C# backend to push using firebase FCM the onNotifications sends a push notification on the background but when it goes on the foreground it doesn’t send a push notification as well. It does send a toast where I prepared one but I would want to convert into a push notification instead.

Here is the code of the push notification

      (data) => {
             console.log("Payload: ", data);
       if (data.tap) {
                console.log('Received in background');
       } else {
                  console.log('recieved in foreground');
                   this.presentToast("new message");

and here is the backend call

var url = "https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send";

            var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(url);
            request.Method = "POST";

            var dataDict = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>
                { "title", title },
                { "body", body },

            var dict = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>
                { "to", userToken },
                { "data", dataDict },

            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dict);

            request.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = false;
            request.ContentType = "application/json";
            request.Accept = "application/json";
            request.SendChunked = false;
            request.ContentLength = json.Length;

            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

            request.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"key={this.Key}");

            var response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
            var responseData = response.GetResponseData();

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DNS Blacklist - ionic app with httpClient.post


@shorstmann wrote:

Good morning,

we faced some issue where we had no connection through our network to our server. The problem was, that our public ip got blacklisted and the clients (ionic 3 and ionic 4 applications) were unable to connect to the server.

Is there a way to prevent this? Do we need to implement some specific header or something?

getData<T>(postData, path): Promise<T> {
        const headers = new HttpHeaders({
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            this.http.post(API + path, JSON.stringify(postData), {headers: headers})
                .subscribe(res => {
                    resolve(res as T);
                }, (err) => {

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Column header not aligned with the body while scrolling horizontally in ngx-datatable in mobile apps


@AyushKhandelwal wrote:

I have an ionic mobile application where i am rendering one ngx-datatable. The issue is while horizontally scrolling the column headers scroll slower than the table body. It looks very bad. Kindly help if anyone has faced this issue.

See the issue here issue demo

I have tried wrapping the content, adding css to the scroller and using fixed widths to the columns, but no success till now.

My html code :

<ion-content >
<ngx-datatable class="fullscreen" [ngClass]="tableStyle" [rows]="rows" [sortType]="'single'" [reorderable]="true" [scrollbarH]="true" [columnMode]="columnMode" [headerHeight]="50" [footerHeight]="50" [rowHeight]="'auto'" [summaryRow]="true" [summaryPosition]="'bottom'" [limit]="10">
  <ngx-datatable-column *ngFor="let key of keys" [prop]="key"></ngx-datatable-column>

I need the columns to move smoothly aligned with the content of the table while i scroll it horizontally.

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Ionic App v4 Social login - best practice?


@gozinsa2 wrote:

Hi, I’m porting an Ionic v1 app to v4. In v1 I used Firebase social auth to log in with Facebook and Google. Worked really well but is now broken in v4.

How is everyone else doing social OAuth log in these days? I’ve seen the native auth Cordova plugins such as “cordova-plugin-facebook4” but I release lots of apps and don’t want to have to set this up for every app. Also, what happens if someone doesnt have the native Facebook app installed?

Any help much appreciated!

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Update angular version 5.2.11 to 7


@Tubiss wrote:

that is my all version info

and if ı update my angular version 5 to 7 will ı get some failed about project. I dont want to lose my project just want to update securitly angular version 5 to version 7.

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Ionic Reditect

Http get dont work

How to fetch value from nested json in ionic


@pt2609 wrote:

below is my JSON response and i want to show category name and subcategory name but i can’t understand how to fetch it
“subcategorydetails”: {
“cat_id”: “29”,
“category_name”: “MW-PREPARATORY WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “174”,
“subcategory_name”: “Cleaning the area”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Cleaning the area”
“cat_id”: “29”,
“category_name”: “MW-PREPARATORY WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “175”,
“subcategory_name”: “Hacking / application of bond-aid concrete surface”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Hacking / application of bond-aid concrete surface”
“cat_id”: “29”,
“category_name”: “MW-PREPARATORY WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “176”,
“subcategory_name”: “Material shifting”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Material shifting”
“cat_id”: “29”,
“category_name”: “MW-PREPARATORY WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “177”,
“subcategory_name”: “Lintel casting”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Lintel casting”
“cat_id”: “29”,
“category_name”: “MW-PREPARATORY WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “178”,
“subcategory_name”: “Wetting of bricks / blocks”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Wetting of bricks / blocks”
“cat_id”: “29”,
“category_name”: “MW-PREPARATORY WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “179”,
“subcategory_name”: “Consider bulk age factor for sand”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Consider bulk age factor for sand”
“cat_id”: “29”,
“category_name”: “MW-PREPARATORY WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “180”,
“subcategory_name”: “Approved drawings”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Approved drawings”
“cat_id”: “29”,
“category_name”: “MW-PREPARATORY WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “181”,
“subcategory_name”: “Adequate material for scaffolding”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Adequate material for scaffolding”
“cat_id”: “30”,
“category_name”: “MW-BRICK TESTING”,
“subcat_id”: “182”,
“subcategory_name”: “Tolerance allowed +8% up to class 75”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Tolerance allowed +8% up to class 75”
“cat_id”: “30”,
“category_name”: “MW-BRICK TESTING”,
“subcat_id”: “183”,
“subcategory_name”: “Compressive Strength”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Compressive Strength”
“cat_id”: “30”,
“category_name”: “MW-BRICK TESTING”,
“subcat_id”: “184”,
“subcategory_name”: “For class up to 75, two test for lot of one lakh bricks and one test for every subsequent two lacs”,
“subcategory_desc”: “For class up to 75, two test for lot of one lakh bricks and one test for every subsequent two lacs”
“cat_id”: “30”,
“category_name”: “MW-BRICK TESTING”,
“subcat_id”: “185”,
“subcategory_name”: “Water Absorption”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Water Absorption”
“cat_id”: “30”,
“category_name”: “MW-BRICK TESTING”,
“subcat_id”: “186”,
“subcategory_name”: “The average water absorption”,
“subcategory_desc”: “The average water absorption”
“cat_id”: “30”,
“category_name”: “MW-BRICK TESTING”,
“subcat_id”: “187”,
“subcategory_name”: “Rating of efflorescence”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Note : Water deposit covering 50% of area but without powdering or flecking of the surface is known as moderate class”
“cat_id”: “30”,
“category_name”: “MW-BRICK TESTING”,
“subcat_id”: “188”,
“subcategory_name”: “Soaking of Bricks”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Soaking of Bricks”
“cat_id”: “30”,
“category_name”: “MW-BRICK TESTING”,
“subcat_id”: “189”,
“subcategory_name”: “At regular intervals for a period of not less than 6 hours”,
“subcategory_desc”: “At regular intervals for a period of not less than 6 hours”
“cat_id”: “31”,
“category_name”: “MW-DURING ACTUAL WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “190”,
“subcategory_name”: “Joint Thickness”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Joint Thickness”
“cat_id”: “31”,
“category_name”: “MW-DURING ACTUAL WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “191”,
“subcategory_name”: “Desired thickness 8 to 10 mm”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Desired thickness 8 to 10 mm”
“cat_id”: “31”,
“category_name”: “MW-DURING ACTUAL WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “192”,
“subcategory_name”: “Mix proportion (1:4 for line out, 1:6 for rest masonry)”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Mix proportion (1:4 for line out, 1:6 for rest masonry)”
“cat_id”: “31”,
“category_name”: “MW-DURING ACTUAL WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “193”,
“subcategory_name”: “Line out”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Line out”
“cat_id”: “31”,
“category_name”: “MW-DURING ACTUAL WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “194”,
“subcategory_name”: “Line, Level, Plumb, Right angle”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Line, Level, Plumb, Right angle”
“cat_id”: “31”,
“category_name”: “MW-DURING ACTUAL WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “195”,
“subcategory_name”: “Opening, cut out size”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Opening, cut out size”
“cat_id”: “31”,
“category_name”: “MW-DURING ACTUAL WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “196”,
“subcategory_name”: “Racking of joints”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Racking of joints”
“cat_id”: “31”,
“category_name”: “MW-DURING ACTUAL WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “197”,
“subcategory_name”: “Height of masonry per day”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Height of masonry per day”
“cat_id”: “31”,
“category_name”: “MW-DURING ACTUAL WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “198”,
“subcategory_name”: “Top layer insertion of aggregate”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Top layer insertion of aggregate”
“cat_id”: “32”,
“category_name”: “MW-POST WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “199”,
“subcategory_name”: “Wall surface floor cleaning”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Wall surface floor cleaning”
“cat_id”: “32”,
“category_name”: “MW-POST WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “200”,
“subcategory_name”: “Date of construction”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Date of construction”
“cat_id”: “32”,
“category_name”: “MW-POST WORK”,
“subcat_id”: “201”,
“subcategory_name”: “Curing for 7 days”,
“subcategory_desc”: “Curing for 7 days”

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Ionic v4 and old WebView (v 44)


@caipirginka wrote:

I’m trying to have a Ionic 4 App run on a custom device that has WebView 44 installed (com.android.webview version 44.0.2403.119) and not updatable.
The App starts but only shows a blank page and inside LogCat I can see these errors:

07-19 12:45:48.915 3687-3764/it.smarttouch.live E/Capacitor: JavaScript Error: {"type":"js.error","error":{"message":"Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list","url":"http://localhost/vendor.js","line":77215,"col":49,"errorObject":"{}"}}
07-19 12:45:48.923 3687-3764/it.smarttouch.live E/Capacitor: JavaScript Error: {"type":"js.error","error":{"message":"Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token =>","url":"http://localhost/main.js","line":718,"col":29,"errorObject":"{}"}}

I searched and discovered that probably a Ionic 4 App will not be able to run on WebView 44, is it true?
Is there any workaround to this?
Will Ionic v3 run?

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Keyword not popping up when onfocused input field


@premktr wrote:

I am new to angular/ionic4.i have created the input field when it is focused the keyboard is supposed to be popup but it is popping up only for android only when u again tap in the input field even after the field is focused but for ios is not popping up at all

<ion-input type="input" placeholder="Enter your first name" [readonly]="isReadOnly" name="profile" [value]="firstName" #nameCtrl="ngModel" ngModel pattern="[A-Za-z]+" minlength="3" maxlength="20" [(ngModel)]="firstName"  #name no-padding>

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How to Export Mailbox to PST from Offline EDB


@williamus wrote:

How to Export Mailbox to PST from Offline EDB

Microsoft Exchange is the most prominent and easily handled server among mid and large sized organizations. This exchange server acts like a centralized system which contains mails, contacts and other data which is required for communication.

In EDB file format all the mailbox data will be stored here. All the data can be accessed by the users, until the connection is established with exchange server. Users no longer can access the data once the connection is disconnected from the server until and unless the mailbox file mounted again to exchange server.

These problems can be avoided if we have offline EDB file backup and using the backup we can easily convert it to PST to access the complete data.
To perform EDB to PST operation we have many native solutions like using Exchange Powershell Command and Import / Export Wizard. But this is not a perfect solution when the EDB file is corrupted. So first it needs to be fixed to make a healthy mailbox. Therefore it can be easily converted to PST file.
Let’s get to know how to export offline EDB file to PST using third party tools:
EdbMails EDB to PST converter fulfils all the above conditions as it first repairs any kind of corruption before converting it to PST. This tool is designed using advanced algorithms which makes the conversion process less time consuming and exports the data efficiently and effectively. And it also provides free trial version where users can export 30 items from each and every mailboxes / folders.

Advanced Features of EDB to PST Converter
• Recovers mails, contacts, calendars, task, notes, inbox items, outbox items and attachments etc. from an EDB file.
• EDB file preview where users can preview the mailbox items before migration.
• Filter option is available like include / exclude where users can apply date, time and subject while performing export operation.
• No size limitation on mailboxes and EDB files.
• Supports Selective mailbox recovery and Unicode characters.
To know more please visit www.edbmails.com

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Value in input field will not display with ngControl


@ajaykdutta wrote:

I am using Ionic framework 4 . I want to set a default value in input tag .

here is my code :

in .ts file

constructor( private route: ActivatedRoute,private router: Router, private sqlite: SQLite, private sqliteDbCopy: SqliteDbCopy) {

  this.PhNumber = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('number');


in html:

 >  <ion-input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="ph_number" value={{PhNumber}}></ion-input>
>   <ion-button  size="small" type="submit"  expand="block" (click)="saveChat()">Send Your Message</ion-button>

But don’t know why the value is not displaying in the text field. If I remove the ngModel like :

>  <ion-input type="text"   value={{PhNumber}} ></ion-input>
>   <ion-button  size="small" type="submit"  expand="block" (click)="saveChat()">Send Your Message</ion-button>

The value is displaying . I am new in Ionic please help . How to display the value with ngModel . without ngModel how can I save data to database.

My save to database function :

msg='';ph_number ='';


        var status='Outgoing';

          name: 'chat_app.db',
          location: 'default'
        }).then( (db: SQLiteObject) => {

          db.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS chat_list_details(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,ph_number VARCHAR(32),status VARCHAR(32),msg TEXT)', [])
          .then(() => console.log('Executed SQL'))
          .catch(e => console.log(e));

          db.executeSql(" INSERT INTO chat_list_details (ph_number,status,msg) VALUES (?,?,?) ", [ this.ph_number,status,this.msg ] ).then(() => console.log('value inserted in SQL'))
          .catch(e => console.log(e));



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Resizing Image?


@Dunny wrote:


I’m having an issue resizing photos using the camera-preview-plugin, can any suggest a solution?

I’ve tried using ng2-img-tools but that requires a File and I’m passing the location of the image, which is why it’s probably returning not an jpg / png error.

Any help appreciated.

`import { File } from '@ionic-native/file/ngx';
import { Ng2ImgToolsService } from 'ng2-img-tools';
import { CameraPreview, CameraPreviewPictureOptions } from '@ionic-native/camera-preview/ngx';

constructor(private file: File, public cameraPreview: CameraPreview, private ng2ImgToolsService: Ng2ImgToolsService) { }

        this.cameraPreview.takePicture({quality: .7}).then((path) => {

          let tempPath = path[0].substr(0, path[0].lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
          let tempFileName = path[0].replace(tempPath, ""); 
          let fullTempPath = 'file://' + tempPath;

          var newFilename = this.createFileName();
          var permLocation = this.file.dataDirectory + newFilename;

          // Copy Image to Perm Directory....
          this.file.copyFile(fullTempPath, tempFileName, this.file.dataDirectory, newFilename).then(success => {

            var localLocation = window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(permLocation);

            this.ng2ImgToolsService.resize([localLocation], 640, 640).subscribe(result => {
                //all good, result is a file

            }, error => { });

          }, error => { });

        }, error => { });

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Android native build white screen after splash screen for sometime


@SPW wrote:

Hi, i’m starting to use ionic appflow to use the native build, i create a .apk but after the splash screen shows a white screen for sometime (about one minute) then shows the initial page of the app, i had this issue when i used to build the .apk on my machine but it solves using --prod --release. Does anyone knows how to solve this when using the native build for android from ionic appflow? I’m using the release version.

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[Tutorial] How to implement StartApp Ads in your Ionic App


@reinerluke97 wrote:

Hello guys today Im exited to tell you that I have created a Cordova Plugin for StartApp Ads to use it with Ionic.

Many of us dont want to use Admob anymore because they got banned or dont like it or for any other reason.
I got banned aswell (because I got click bombed by someone) and couldnt find any alternativ ad network which is supported by ionic/cordova.

So I searched and found NOTHING. Most plugins where outdated or didnt work, but I wanted something simular like Admob. And I found it. www.startapp.com. They have almost the same dashboard and analytics and to use it you only have to add your App and you get the App ID. Thats all you need. Nothing complicated.

My Plugin is developed simular to the admob-free, admob-plus plugin we all know so if you implemented it once you have an easy time to use my plugin too.

But here is the catch: Currently I only have implemented Android Support. Im working hard to implement iOS aswell. Just stay tuned and GitHub for Updates and Documentation Updates! :slight_smile:

Well now lets start to use it! :smiley:
(If it helped you to reduce developing time It would be nice if you can give me a star :slight_smile: )

Ionic 3+ Implementation

1. Installation

First you need to install the cordova plugin in your Ionic Project with Cordova CLI

ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-startapp-ads

or with URL

ionic cordova plugin add https://github.com/lreiner/cordova-plugin-startapp-ads.git

2. Setup the Plugin

To start declare the Plugin below your imports:
NOTE: This must be declared in every Page where you want to use StartAppAds!

import ..... //your imports
declare var StartAppAds:any;

Now you need to init your Plugin with your App ID from StartApp first. I would recommend to do it in your app.component.ts file when platfrom is ready.

this.platform.ready().then(() => {
  if(this.platform.is("android")) {

Nice! :slight_smile: Now you can use StartAppAds everywhere in your project.

3. Show/Hide Banner Ads

Show a Banner Ad on the bottom of your app. (I recommend to either do this in app.components.ts or in the constructor of any other page).


Hide the Banner


Events you can subscribe to (recommended to put it in the constructor of any page):

document.addEventListener('startappads.banner.load', () => {
  //banner has been loaded and displayed.
  //do something here

document.addEventListener('startappads.banner.load_fail', () => {
  //banner failed to load
  //do something here
  //IMPORTANT: if banner failed to load dont use StartAppAds.showBanner(); again. StartAppAds will load a new one by itself!

document.addEventListener('startappads.banner.clicked', () => {
  //banner has been clicked
  //do something here. Usefull to hide banner to prevent click bombing.

document.addEventListener('startappads.banner.hide', () => {
  //banner has been removed
  //do something here

4. Show Interstitial Ads

Show a Interstitial Ad:


Events you can subscribe to (recommended to put it in the constructor of any page):

document.addEventListener('startappads.interstitial.closed', () => {
  //interstitial closed by user
  //do something here

document.addEventListener('startappads.interstitial.displayed', () => {
  //interstitial showed up
  //do something here

document.addEventListener('startappads.interstitial.clicked', () => {
  //interstitial clicked by user
  //do something here

document.addEventListener('startappads.interstitial.not_displayed', () => {
  //interstitial loaded and ready but somehow not showed to user
  //do something here

document.addEventListener('startappads.interstitial.load_fail', () => {
  //interstitial failed to load
  //do something here

5. Show Rewarded Video Ads

Show a Rewarded Video Ad:


Events you can subscribe to (recommended to put it in the constructor of any page):

document.addEventListener('startappads.reward_video.reward', () => {
  //user watched video reward can be given now
  //do something here

document.addEventListener('startappads.reward_video.load', () => {
  //reward video finished loading
  //do something here

document.addEventListener('startappads.reward_video.load_fail', () => {
  //reward video failed to load. Probably no Ads available at the moment
  //do something here

Thats it! :wink: Have fun to use it!

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Input box is covered by keyboard on mobile


@aviral282 wrote:

I am tryin to build a login form and i want to scroll the input a little up when keyboard is pressed.
for now when i click on input box it is covered by keyboard on mobile.

          <ion-input class="emailtext" [formControl]="registerform.controls['email']" type="text" placeholder="Email" name="email"
            [(ngModel)]="registerform.email" required clearInput></ion-input>

          <ion-input placeholder="Password" [formControl]="registerform.controls['password']" 

clearOnEdit=“false” required clearInput>
<button ion-button clear color=“dark” type=“button” item-right (click)=“hideShowPassword()”>
<ion-icon class=“passwordIcon” [name]=“passwordIcon”>

        <p *ngIf="!registerform.controls.email.valid &&
              (registerform.controls.email.dirty || submitted)" class="validator-error">
          Please enter a valid email.



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Android ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED when running


@timclicker wrote:

Hi - I am running an ionic 4 app and need to change my server url to a local ip address in order for a widget to work (intercom requires app to be run on ip address rather than localhost).

So, I added the following to my capacitor.config.json.

  "server": {
    "url": ""

This works for iOS (when I use capacitor:// but for android (on the emulator), I get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED when loading the app.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Have tried adding the below to my config.xml but that did not work.

<allow-navigation href="*"/>

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How to create async validator for reactive form Ionic v4

Ionic 4 devapp cors error


@lovility wrote:

I’m using ASP.NET Core Web API pass JSON data and consume that in Ionic 4 service.
I add addCores in startup.cs at my ASP.NET core Web API

services.AddCors(options =>
builder =>


It is work well in browser/ Chrome.

However, if I try “ionic serve --devapp” chrome is fine. but devapp has not showing data and console had this error.

How can I fix this?

my http call service code is below:

import { Injectable } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from ‘@angular/common/http’;

providedIn: ‘root’
export class RestService {

apiUrl = ‘https://localhost:5001/api/orientation-startup’;
constructor(public http: HttpClient) { }

return new Promise(resolve =>{
this.http.get(this.apiUrl).subscribe(data =>{
err => {

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Need assistance with deeplinking... Willing to pay $$$


@mmcgeehan wrote:

Hey Everyone,

I have been having a difficult time getting deep linking to work with our app. I know I am close to getting it to work but have been unsuccessful using deep linking to share links from the app and have users get to the specific page. It simply opens the app but does not actually go to the page. If you are willing to take a look, let me know. I can send you the code for the app.

I’m willing to pay for the help. I don’t have a huge budget but if it can be done with a few hours of work, I’m willing to pay.

Let me know if you’d like to take a look! Thanks !!

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