I see the image, but not able to close the image once seen,
here are the options:
32 const options: InAppBrowserOptions = {
31 resizable: 'yes', //
30 location: 'yes', // Or 'yes'
29 footer: 'yes', // creates a 'close' in the footer
28 hidden: 'no', // Or 'yes'
27 clearcache: 'yes',
26 clearsessioncache: 'yes',
25 // zoom: 'yes', // Android only ,shows browser zoom controls
24 hardwareback: 'no',
23 mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction: 'no',
22 shouldPauseOnSuspend: 'no', // Android only
21 closeButtonCaption: 'Cerrar', // iOS only
20 disallowoverscroll: 'no', // iOS only
19 toolbar: 'yes', // iOS only
18 toolbarPosition: 'bottom',
17 enableViewportScale: 'no', // iOS only
16 allowInlineMediaPlayback: 'no', // iOS only
15 presentationstyle: 'fullscreen', // iOS only
14 };
13. this.iab.create(data, '_blank', options);
when using the target of _self
the image shows but there is no close button, I have to close the application completely and then re open it.
when using _blank
then the image doesn’t show with the button below but says Load Error
Anyone encounter this before?
also: data
is: ionic:///path...