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Best group video call app


Albeit virtual, best group video call app correspondence more private and real. This reality has pushed the reception of video visiting applications as an instrument for customized correspondence.

In informing applications like WhatsApp and Facebook courier, video calling is one of the most utilized sorts of correspondence. Starting around 2017, more than 55 million video calls are made on WhatsApp day to day.

These days, the video call highlight has become norm face to face to-individual (P2P) portable correspondence applications like WhatsApp and Viber. These informing applications are for the most part utilized on versatile. Then again, business applications like Skype and Zoom offer video call capacities on versatile, work area, and web.

Contrasted with informing applications, business video conferencing applications offer a more extensive scope of choices on the grounds that their main interest group works in formal and relaxed environments. In proper settings, PCs and work areas are generally utilized for work, while in casual environments, anything goes - cell phone, PC, work area, and tablets.

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Support for react router v6 in @ionic/react-router


Hi Ionic Team,
I’m having an issue with the @ionic/react-router because of an old version. I was building an app in ionic and wanted to use the latest react-router v6 library because the older version has some issues, But the @ionic/react-router is still using an old version of react-router which is bad and unsupportive to the v6 router. Can anyone tell me when the latest version of @ionic/react-router will be published with the v6 router support? I request Ionic Team to please push the new update ASAP, Thanks!

Abdullah Khan

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Ion-datetime how do I scroll down endlessly?


I want the time picker (ion-datetime: Ionic API Input for Datetime Format Picker) to rotate endless.

If I select hours I start at 0 and end at 23. When I’m at 23 I have to scroll all the way up to get to 0.

What I want is when I’m at 23 to just scroll one unit further down so it starts at 0 again so that I could theoretically scroll down endlessly.

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Top programming languages: Java takes an unexpected leap forward


Java has dynamic nature as it stacks the unique classes on request, dynamic accumulation, the memory of the executives, trash assortment, and so on. Java offers all the benefits of high-level OOP languages with modular software, flexibility, extensibility, and an easy development process. But it doesn’t offer as great performance as C++, for instance. Java is an extremely strong coding language and there are countless ways of getting into the coding and web creating area assuming you have a superior order of it. This course requires tolerance, logical reasoning capacity, meticulousness as they are fundamental in turning into an effective software engineer. For more details visit here:- Java classes in Pune

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Bug with ionic slides


So as you see on my screens . i am using ion-slides with 1.3 slidesperview but the issue is when we move on to last ion-slide it starts to the mid of the body but i want it to the very left start of body.

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Ionic icon svg download failing

Bug with ionic slides


So as you see on my screens . i am using ion-slides with 1.3 slidesperview but the issue is when we move on to last ion-slide it starts to the mid of the body but i want it to the very left start of body.

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Grayed out button bug on Android devices


I’m seeing an intermittent behavior in which an ion-button in the header stays grayed out after being pushed. The state looks disabled but the button is actionable - seems like maybe the CSS is not being applied correctly.

Here is the simple code - no local or global CSS or other code modifying ion-button :

    <ion-buttons slot="end">
      <ion-button (click)="create()">
        NEW THING

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Bring application to foreground when receiving push notification



I am trying to bring my Capacitor 3 + Angular app in to the foreground when receiving a data only push message. The aim is to present the user with a “Phone ringing” screen like a normal call. I have been able to code in the push messages and have them receive and process but this is all when the app is running. I have tried using cordova plugin - background mode but it causes Gradle compile errors. I’m not sure where to go next


import { BackgroundMode } from '@awesome-cordova-plugins/background-mode/ngx';
providers: [

in app.component.ts

import { BackgroundMode } from '@awesome-cordova-plugins/background-mode/ngx';
constructor(private backgroundMode: BackgroundMode) { this.setupBackgroundListener(); }

setupBackgroundListener(): void {

    const bgModeOn = this.backgroundMode.isEnabled();
    this.logger.log(`[Background Mode] Is enabled? ${bgModeOn}`);

In Gradle I see

Line 1 - Msg: Native: tried calling BackgroundMode.enable, but the BackgroundMode plugin is not installed.
Line 1 - Msg: Install the BackgroundMode plugin: 'ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-background-mode'
Line 1 - Msg: Native: tried calling BackgroundMode.isEnabled, but the BackgroundMode plugin is not installed.
Line 1 - Msg: Install the BackgroundMode plugin: 'ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-background-mode'

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Error awesome-cordova-plugins/onesignal


Problemas con awesome-cordova-plugins/onesignal e Ionic 6.18.1


Ionic CLI : 6.18.1 (C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v16.13.1\node_modules@ionic\cli)
Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 6.0.1
@angular-devkit/build-angular : 13.0.4
@angular-devkit/schematics : 13.0.4
@angular/cli : 13.0.4
@ionic/angular-toolkit : 5.0.3


Capacitor CLI : 3.3.3
@capacitor/android : 3.3.3
@capacitor/core : 3.3.3
@capacitor/ios : not installed


cordova-res : 0.15.4
native-run : 1.5.0


NodeJS : v16.13.1 (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe)
npm : 8.3.0
OS : Windows 10

Tomando el ejemplo de OneSignal | OneSignal Cordova SDK Push Notification Plugin, al intentar recuperar los datos del usuario conectado

this.oneSignal.getIds().then((user) => {
console.log('User onsignal => ', user);

se respuesta es
pushToken: “” //=> error
userId: “45454d04-9596-11ec-acff-566304db382f”

al no generar el pushToken, el usuario no recibe las notificaciones y la respuesta del api de Onesignal es:

“es”:“ONS JMLA”,
“en”:“ONS JMLA”
“es”:“Validando las notificaciones.”,
“en”:“Validando las notificaciones.”
“id”: “”,
“recipients”: 0,
“errors”: {
“invalid_player_ids”: [

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Ion-camera Acesso negado


Após todo o processo da função da camera o app retorna o seguinte erro: “Acesso negado”, mesmo após permitir o acesso e além disso não aparece nenhum erro no console além do “No image Selected” que no caso esta retornando. pois, nenhuma imagem foi selecionada.
Print do erro:


takePicture() {

this.photo = '';

const options: CameraOptions = {

  quality: 100,

  destinationType: this.camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL,

  encodingType: this.camera.EncodingType.JPEG,

  mediaType: this.camera.MediaType.PICTURE,

  allowEdit: true,

  targetWidth: 100,

  targetHeight: 100



  .then((imageData) => {

    let base64image = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + imageData;


    this.photo = base64image;

  }, (error) => {



  .catch((error) => {




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Google maps integration with Ionic react


I am trying to search Google Maps Package for Ionic React I am not found it. anyone help me for integrate google maps

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How to Unit Test onIonViewWillEnter (or any ionic specific hooks)


Trying to get ionic hooks to fire in Ionic 6 with Vue.
Minimal example showing that the onIonViewWillEnter hook is never fired in the test. onMounted is called though.

Basic Component:

    <ion-content :fullscreen="true" color="light">

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { 
} from '@ionic/vue';
import { onMounted } from 'vue';

onMounted(() => {
  console.log('onMounted called');

onIonViewDidEnter(() => {
  console.log('onIonViewDidEnter called');

The test:

import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'
import { IonicVue } from '@ionic/vue';
import Dashboard from '@/dashboard/views/Dashboard.vue';

describe('Dashboard', () => {
  describe('should call onIonViewDidEnter', () => {
    it('renders the login component', () => {
      const wrapper = mount(Dashboard, {
        global: {
          plugins: [IonicVue]

Basically how do I unit test when using the ionic lifecycle hooks?

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Sum of dynamic objects in array


Hi, I have the below array whose object will increase and decrease dynamically. and each time I need to
get the total by doing “price” * “quant”.

        "id": "95",
        "price": 100,
        "quant": 1
        "tovar_id": "73",
        "price": 4,
        "quant": 2
        "tovar_id": "75",
        "price": 10,
        "quant": 2

I need something like
total = 28

I have tried this way and it reset the total value each time a new object added to it.


    if (this.sell.length > 0) {

      for(let i = 0; i < this.sell.length; i++){

        this.itemstotal = this.sell[i]['quant']*this.sell[i]['price'];



      console.log("TOTAL ",this.itemstotal);



Thanks in advance.

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Does ionic-angular supports nested `ion-router-outlet`?


It does not seem to be supported in ionic-react: feat: Make react router work with nested routes · Issue #22992 · ionic-team/ionic-framework · GitHub

But does ionic-angular support it?

Example use case:


And lets say inside the above ion-router-outlet we have:

<div class='ion-page'>
  <ion-content [fullscreen]="true">

Links inside the <ion-menu> would work well (i.e, shows the transition animations, get put into the ionic stack, etc), but any link inside the nested ion-router-outlet would not work (not showing transitions, not put into the ionic stack), and also messes up display.

Changing the nested <ion-router-outlet> into <router-outlet> fixes the display issue, but understandably it does not show the transition nor put the navigation into the navigation stack (in particular, <ion-back-button> would not work anymore).

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Print with inbuilt print pos terminal


I wan to discuss about print with inbuilt print pos terminal, i want to print from angular ionic , please help me how i can do,

Please Advise me how can i do, i have Android print api SDK, but i don’t know how i can implement with angularJS.


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Apple Wallet and Google Pay Cards


I have a QR-CODE from a string that I need to convert to pkpass and Add to Wallet or Google Pay Card.
I use the Ionic Native Apple Wallet but I don’t want to add a Credit Card, its only a QR-CARD.

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Two line buttons in ionic 6


I’m trying to create a two-line ion-button in Ionic 6. I’ve searched Stack Overflow and the answer of overriding .button-inner with flex-flow: column isn’t working because that class can’t be accessed within the shadow DOM. Is there another way of doing this?

I’ve tried all of the following both inside :host and outsite :host within my Angular components scss.

.button-inner {
    flex-flow: column;

ion-button {
    &::part(native) {
        .button-inner {
            flex-flow: column;

ion-button {
    &::part(native) .button-inner {
        flex-flow: column;

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I can't implement social sharing for image on Android 12


I tried

  1. @awesome-cordova-plugins/social-sharing which crashes my app on Android 12 when calling its method,
  2. @capacitor/share but this does not support image sharing, and
  3. navigator.share(), which does not support image sharing as well.

Please guide me if you have any way to implement social sharing for image.

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Ionic Failed to find 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable


[15:14:04]: Shell command exited with exit status 1 instead of 0.

You have been opted out of telemetry. To change this, run: cordova telemetry on.
Generating initial manifest for Ionic Deploy…
Ionic Deploy initial manifest successfully generated.
Checking Java JDK and Android SDK versions
ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/opt/android-sdk (recommended setting)
ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk (DEPRECATED)
Failed to find ‘JAVA_HOME’ environment variable. Try setting it manually.

same environment i’ve been using to build android via platform, but this time it gives this error. how do i fix?

failed build: app/7b074fb3/build/builds/7904064

successful build: app/7b074fb3/build/builds/7795934

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