The code is working fine in a browser, but when I build the native project in xcode, once I start dragging the item it just freezes, and showing an error:
**------ STARTUP JS ERROR ------**
**⚡️ TypeError: e.selectionStart is not a function. (In 'e.selectionStart()', 'e.selectionStart' is undefined)**
**⚡️ URL: capacitor://localhost/static/js/5726.e89fffc0.chunk.js**
**⚡️ 5726.e89fffc0.chunk.js:1:1937**
**⚡️ See above for help with debugging blank-screen issues**
I looked for the file but I really couldn’t figure out what to do to fix this. I googled selectionStart but nothing is related to IonReorder.
And here is my code (which is working in a browser but not in iOS):
<IonReorderGroup disabled={false}
onIonItemReorder={(event) =>{
<IonItem lines='none'>
<IonText className='text-small'>Item 1</IonText>
<IonReorder slot='end'>
<IonItem lines='none'>
<IonText className='text-small'>Item 2</IonText>
<IonReorder slot='end'>
<IonItem lines='none'>
<IonText className='text-small'>Item 3</IonText>
<IonReorder slot='end'>
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