Hi, I think I still sadly still don't understand how typescript/browserfy work together to include the actual js files into app.bundle.js in the Ionic 2 build.
This time I want to use a library that has no type definition file (mqtt.js). I have installed the js library and see it in the node_modules.
Within the node_modules/mqtt/lib.client.js file, there is an export at the end...
module.exports = MqttClient;
So I want to use this MqttClient in one of my pages.
After Building the app, when I look into app.bundle.js
I do not see MqttClient
In tsconfig.json
I have attempted to include the above file..
"filesGlob": [
"node_modules/mqtt/lib/client.js" <- added this
but I still don't get it.
I thought that browserfy would scan the node_modules and read each package,json file, but now not so sure.
Can anyone shine some light on how I can include just the pure js libraries, and then how to import and use them in my typescript files. I have searched for hours looking for this but to no avail.
Thanks in advance for any help!
I added 'node_modules/mqtt/mqtt.js'
into ionic-gulp-browserify-typescript folder index.js
as below
var defaultOptions = {
watch: false,
src: ['./app/app.ts', './typings/index.d.ts', 'node_modules/mqtt/mqtt.js'],
outputPath: 'www/build/js/',
At the bottom if the library file, mqtt.sj, we have the following
// Expose MqttClient
module.exports.MqttClient = MqttClient;
module.exports.Client = MqttClient;
module.exports.Store = Store;
// Expose servers
module.exports.Server = MqttServer;
module.exports.MqttServer = MqttServer;
module.exports.SecureServer = MqttSecureServer;
module.exports.MqttSecureServer = MqttSecureServer;
Now when I look into app.bundle.js
I do see module.exports.MqttClient = MqttClient;
I do not see MqttServer
I still don't seem to be able to import this into my .ts page file though, so still not sure what to do here.
I can add ///<reference path="../../../node_modules/mqtt/mqtt.js" />
and this seems to resolve ok, but I cannot find how to import,,
e.g. import * as mqtt from 'mqtt/mqtt';
typescript reports "'cannot find module mqtt/mqtt".
If I try something like let client = new MqttClient();
is always undefined.
Also, is the above the correct place to add js files?