@tokenone wrote:
Hey all, I am trying to get my head around navigation in ionic2. I am trying to have a list directive, that on item click will go to a details page. That details page unfortunately also has a list itself.
My understanding of the Navigation is that I will have to pass a type of page into NavController.push(...). Therefore I will have to import that "Page class" in my List definition.
The details page, if it wants to use the list directive, will have to have an import to the list directive. Therefore I will have to place a dependency on the list which closes the circle (listItems <-> detailsPage). When I try to run this code it blows up, saying it can't find the output for the itemList, which I guess comes from the circle keeping it from compiling.I have pushed a small example app on https://github.com/AndreasMaier/ionic2_nav.git which should just run with npm install && ionic serve (if you have ionic@beta)
Basically the important files are pages/details/details.ts and directives/listItems.ts.
I haven't found too many examples of the navigation, so I would be happy about any ideas on how to solve this or a direction to look into concerning ionic2 navigation.
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