@aliaslam7163 wrote:
So I am using ionic storage to read something out of the storage and if the value to the key is empty i want to then set that value, and make another check(get) to see if the value was set. However, I am having a difficult time understanding promises so I considered wrapping the promise with an observable. However The issue that I am still running into is the data that is being returned is very confusing. The data is an object and before execution the object has two keys {__zone_symbol__state:true, __zone_symbol__value:array{0}} and after i guess the promise is finished i get {__zone_symbol__state:true, __zone_symbol__value:‘Current datetime’} which is exactly what im hoping for. However, due to the inability to understand the object or even how the promise is working, my if/else statement to capture the '__zone_symbol__value:…" are inadequete because Im using the if/else to determine which rootpage to go to.
below is the code in my provider/service:
getLoginStatus(){let myObservable = Observable.create(observer => { console.log('observer is setup'); observer.fromPromise(this.storage.get('loginStatus')); }); myObservable.subscribe((data) => { this.getData = data; console.log(this.getData); }); return this.getData;
below is the code in my app.component.ts:
platform.ready().then(() => {//this.StartupProvider; this.getData = this.LoginStatusProvider.getLoginStatus(); console.log(this.getData.__zone_symbol__value); if(this.getData.__zone_symbol__value[0] == '') { this.LoginStatusProvider.setLoginStatus(); this.rootPage = RetrieveDataPage; } else if (this.getData.__zone_symbol__value[0] != ''){ console.log('Skipped the if'); this.rootPage = LoginPage; }
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