@ko5win wrote:
How do I implement a select/ deselect all function in my check-boxes that are rendered dynamically from server?
<ion-select [(ngModel)]="selectedvalue" multiple="true" (ionChange)="checkState($event)"> <ion-option (ionSelect)="selector()">Select/Deselect All</ion-option> <ion-option *ngFor="let item of optionsList" value="{{item.value}}" selected="{{item.checked}}">{{item.text}}</ion-option> </ion-select>
this.optionsList.push({value: 1, text: "Pizza", checked: false }); this.optionsList.push({value: 2, text: "Sushi", checked: false });
I have tried to update the optionsList through a listener on the select all option.
public selector(){ for (var i = 0; i < this.optionsList.length; i++) { this.optionsList[i].checked = true; } console.log(this.optionsList) }
Console log displays that the optionsList’s checked is updated accordingly, but the display side does not update accordingly. If I implement a deep copy array inside my method, then my situation would be the same as this user’s post . What I wanted was if the user clicked on the select all checkbox, it should immediately show all checkboxes are checked, vice versa. Please advise thanks.
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