@mixofia wrote:
I'm testing an app from multiple windows, one with a signed in user and another (anonymous window) with no user. But I'm getting
events that cross both windows. Has anyone else seen this? It doesn't replicate in codepen..directive('menuToggle', function() { return { restrict: 'AC', link: function($scope, $element, $attr) { $scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', function(ev, viewData) { if (viewData.enableBack) { var sideMenuCtrl = $element.inheritedData('$ionSideMenusController'); if (!sideMenuCtrl.enableMenuWithBackViews()) { $element.addClass('hide'); } } else { $element.removeClass('hide'); } }); $element.bind('click', function() { var sideMenuCtrl = $element.inheritedData('$ionSideMenusController'); sideMenuCtrl && sideMenuCtrl.toggle($attr.menuToggle); }); } }; });
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