@huangws wrote:
In my project I use collection-repeat + infinite-scroll,and dynamic set item-height, when infinite-scroll finished loading, then screen shake and splash, after that the scroll position before I scroll has changed, I can not see the same items after infinite-scroll finished loading.
<ion-refresher pulling-text="pull to refresh..." on-refresh="doRefresh()"> </ion-refresher> <ion-list> <ion-item collection-repeat="s in stock.list" item-width="'100%'" item-height="getItemHeight(s)" class="item-remove-animate item-button-right" type="item-text-wrap"> <p>{{s.RowNo}}、{{s.cpgg_zmc}}</p> <p>{{s.locationname}}</p> </ion-item> </ion-list> <ion-infinite-scroll on-infinite="loadMoreStock()" ng-if="more" > </ion-infinite-scroll>
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