Please describe the question in detail and share your code, configuration, and other relevant info.I am very frustrated with this problem:(
I am developing an app for android and ios (using capacitor 3) and I am sending notifications to the app via firebase notifications. (capacitor packages: @capacitor-community/fcm and @capacitor/push-notifications).
It works for a while and after one day or a few days that the app is running in background or foreground (and not killed) it stops from working and the app doesn’t get notifications(This has happened to me in android device.).
I am sending notifications using topics and i also tried to send the notification through firebase console, but it didn’t work.
I am not sure if this means that the registration token has expired because I would think that the capacitor packages are suppose to handle it since they are not talking about this problem.
I did everything from the documentation of capacitor push notifications.
Thank you all in advanced!
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