Using SSL (Secure Origin) with Live Reload feature in Capacitor
I am integrating Auth0 into my Ionic 6 Angular app, which requires the library to be run on a server with a secure origin (auth0-spa-js/ at 451956f5615bdd7e8fe3c313dbe30d1e31b855f1 ·...
View Articlefirebase notifications stops working after a while (one day or a few days)
Please describe the question in detail and share your code, configuration, and other relevant info.I am very frustrated with this problem:( I am developing an app for android and ios (using capacitor...
View ArticleIonic input losing focus and closing keyboard
Me and my friends are struggling to solve this problem. We’ve seen similar topics but we couldn’t solve them. In some pages of our app, when clicking on some input, after a few seconds the focus is...
View ArticleSample Ionic 5 mobile app
This repository is a standalone repo that utilizes APIs from to build out a mobile application using the Ionic 5 Angular framework. It showcases many of the Ionic components and will...
View ArticleFake / Mock Location & Root / Jailbreak
Hey, I am looking for plugins to check fake / mock location & root / jailbreak device in Ionic 5 and Capacitor 3. Thank you! 3 posts - 2 participants Read full topic
View ArticleApp Center is retiring Apache Cordova platform (CodePush)
Hi All, A while ago MS announced that they were retiring support for Cordova in AppCenter. Has anyone found a good (inc. not expensive) alternative for CodePush as we’re now nearing the deadline?...
View ArticleHow to update tab data externally in ionic
How to change tab’s data while we’d some event occur in particular page. for example, I have app, in this, i have tab called CART, The problem is that, while I add some product in cart , then I need...
View Article"FirebaseError: failed to get document because the client is offline ionic"
I’m working on an Ionic-App with multiple tabs. When I run the app in the browser using ionic serve everything runs as it was intended to. However, when I run the application as a PWA (Progressive Web...
View ArticleIon-datetime - time only
With the ion-datetime, how does one hide the calendar so only the time picker is used? Figures… 2 minutes later I find the answer: presentation=“time” 2 posts - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleApp crashing on web after installing Capacitor splash-screen plugin
After Installing the capacitor spash-screen plugin, I got splash screen to work on simulators, but on the web during debugging it crashes after the splash screen timeout is over. Is this a bug or am I...
View ArticleWhy isn't this css being applied?
I’ve tried applying the below CSS (taken from another forum post here) to limit the screen width on PCs. It doesn’t seem to be getting applied though. I’ve put it in the Ionic variables.css file and...
View ArticleLoad modules dynamically within pages
Hi, I have same complex pages with dynamic content. I want to load the modules dynamically after initialization. The modules which have to be used depend on a service call which is performed at the...
View ArticleMy Flask server on not works at my Ionic app
I have a problem, when giv my Falsk py to cloud serve works at Hi, I have a problem, when I giv my Falsk py to cloud serve works at Chrome, but not works at app....
View ArticleIonic Storage is always undefined when trying to log in
So basically, I created an role based login system with admin and user. When i try to log in, the user access token is always null, and i dont know why. I spent like 20 hours solving this problem, but...
View ArticleHow to show dotted lines for connecting tree nodes in TreeView
How to show dotted lines for connecting tree nodes in tree view , please can you help me out on this topic also i attached my below expected output .ts > buildForm(item: TreeItem) { > > const...
View ArticleFlash on value change
Does Ionic already offer a component for this? I want to flash a field when it changes, visually highlighting it, temporarily shifting the attention of the user to it. Example: On the cart page, when...
View ArticleKeep App footer/header
I want to switch between pages, but still keep the App footer and header. Currently I am using a custom App footer and header component and put those into each page. However, the transition effect...
View ArticleBrowser Plugin is not opening PDF in Android device instead it is asking to...
Hi All, I have a external API url. When I use that API url in chrome browser, the PDF is opening in browser. When I tried the same in Android simulator, it is asking to download the PDF instead...
View ArticleIonic 6: file(...) is undefined
I’m trying to use File API Plugin for Read and Write File Access on Devices in ionic 6 with capacitor but I’m always getting the msg: TypeError: this.objFile.writeFile(…) is undefined Code:...
View Article`` `routerLink` equivalent
<IonBreadcrumb> has a href attribute, but no routerLink. When I select a <IonBreadcrumb> with a ´hrefattribute, the browser will fully (re)load a new page. WhenrouterLink` is used, a...
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