@redsend wrote:
Hi guys,
I'm trying to work with one resolution and than use the body zoom to adapt the page to the different screen resolutions.
For example if my art board is 1080x1920 and I'm on a device with 375x627 (iPhone 6) I'll set the zoom factor and the webkitTextSizeAdjust to 0.34, like this:
var zoom = 0.34; document.body.style.zoom=zoom; document.body.style.webkitTextSizeAdjust = "" + (zoom * 100) + "%";
This technique worked until a couple of months ago but with the last ionic version something changed. The scroll view overwrites the webkitTextSizeAdjust and mess everything up. For not scrolling content it works perfectly.
Am I missing something? Should I add some more javascript to manage scroll views or do you have a different solution to manage different screens resolutions?
Thank you in advance
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