@kappys wrote:
I have a problem when I try change view on the ionic view app for IO'S ( I don't prove the android app). I see that is a app bug and it have solution but this don't work for me.
info bug : https://blog.appery.io/2015/09/how-to-fix-ios9-angular-webview-issue/
info bug 2: http://blog.ionic.io/ios-9-potential-breaking-change/my ionic info is:
Cordova CLI: 5.3.3
Ionic Version: 1.1.0
Ionic CLI Version: 1.7.7
Ionic App Lib Version: 0.6.3
ios-deploy version: 1.8.2
ios-sim version: 5.0.2
OS: Mac OS X El Capitan
Node Version: v4.1.1
Xcode version: Xcode 7.0.1 Build version 7A1001and my app.js is:
$stateProvider .state('landing', { url: '/', templateUrl: 'templates/landing/landingView.html', controller: 'landingController' }) .state('login', { url: '/login', templateUrl: 'templates/landing/login/loginView.html', controller: 'loginController' }) .state('register', { url: '/register', templateUrl: 'templates/landing/register/registerView.html', controller: 'registerController' }) .state('forget', { url: '/forget', templateUrl: 'templates/landing/forget/forgetView.html', controller: 'forgetController' }) .state('index', { abstract: true, //url: '/', views: { '@' : { templateUrl: 'templates/abstractView.html', controller: 'AppCtrl' }, 'sideNavMenu@index': { templateUrl: 'templates/modules/sideBar/sideNavBar.html', controller: 'sideNavController' }, 'footerMenu@index': { //tabs views templateUrl: 'templates/modules/footerMenu/footerMenu.html', controller: 'footerMenuController' } } }) .state('tab1', { parent: 'index', abstract:true, url: '/tab1', views: { 'tab1View@index': { templateUrl: 'templates/tab1/tttt.html', controller: 'tabs1Controller' } } }) .state('tab2',{ parent: 'tab1', url: '/tab2', views:{ 'tab2View@index': { templateUrl: 'templates/tab2/tttt.html', controller: 'tab2Controller' } } }) .state('tab3',{ parent: 'tab1', url: '/tab3', views:{ 'tab3View@index': { templateUrl: 'templates/tab3/tttt.html', controller: 'tab3Controller' } } }) .state('tab4',{ parent: 'tab1', url: '/tab4', views:{ 'tab4View@index': { templateUrl: 'templates/tab4/rrr.html', controller: 'tab4Controller' } } }) .state('subtabs', { //tabs inside tabs parent: 'tab1', abstract:true, url: '/subtabs' }) .state('subtabs.subtab1',{ parent: 'subtabs', url: '/subtab1', views: { 'subtab1@mobile': { templateUrl: 'templates/subtab/tab1/tab1.html', controller: 'subtab1Controller' } } }) .state('subtabs.subtab2',{ url: '/subtab2', views: { 'etcetc@torneos.disponibles':{ templateUrl: 'templates/subtab2/subtabs21/ssss.html', controller: 'subtab21Controller' }, 'etc1etc2@mobile': { templateUrl: 'templates/subtab2/subtabs22/ddddd.html', controller: 'subtab22Controller' } } }) .state('subtabs.subtab3',{ parent: 'subtabs', url: '/subtab3', views: { 'etcetc3@mobile': { templateUrl: 'templates/subtab/subtabs3/asdasd.html', controller: 'subtab3Controller' } } })
Obviously, the names and dirs are fakes... this state with real names works for me, I only want explain the idea.
I have a one landing with : login,register,etc views and when I pass this views after go to the index page etc etc,
this index page is a abstract view with tabs (4 tabs) and in one tab have tabs inside again.
I render tabs with subviews for module it.
My problem is that in the browser, and Xcode debug simulation, etc it works... but in the ionic view app don't work. (I try patch and is not working at all).
I prove this with href , ui-sref, state.go() ... and nothing.
I need help pleaseThanks!! =)
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