IonAlert Mode
Hello All. I always use in IonAlert the mode=“ios” but what happens when the app runs in an android devices. Does it works in mode ios? or it will use mode “md”? or it wont work? I would like it to...
View ArticleIn app browser to remember usrname
Hi, We are tying to use ionic native app in app browser to login to site. Is there anyway to remember usename with this flow? We do get refresh token for biometric, but if biometric is not enabled it...
View ArticleIos deploy error ITMS-90901
I need to publish my new app but I received a error note from Apple for ios platform. ITMS-90901: Missing full-screen support for the latest iPad mini display. The “” bundle includes...
View ArticleModify application splash screen
Hello, could someone tell me how I can modify the icon and the background splash screen of an ionic 6 vue application? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticlePWA Specific Build Hooks
Hello Ionic community! I have a quick question regarding Ionic PWAs. Are there any build hooks I can use that are specific to the PWA target? I’d like to add a hook just for building the PWA version...
View ArticleIonic bluetooth read data for mi smart scale data
Hi, I am trying to connect with ionic cordova-plugin-bluetooth-serial 0.4.7 to connect with mi smart scale. I can scan, connect but can’t read data. how can I read mi smart scale data from ionic?...
View ArticleIonic start error
I launched several ‘Ubuntu 20’ servers, and every time I’m getting the same error when starting ionic from ‘ionic start’. It asks me whether I want to use the app creation wizard, and I type y, and...
View ArticleRunning method to fit text in div
Hello, I’m new to Vue and Ionic so I’m learning as I go. I want to fit some text into a certain DIV i have on my page. But I cannot seem to make it work. I want with page load to run a certain...
View ArticleIonic Capacitor, obfuscating class in Android build
Hello, newbie here, I want to obfuscate class in Android build, i’ve been searching in internet the whole day, all i found is just turn on minifyEnabled flag di build.gradle to true. But when i...
View ArticleHow To Rank Website on Google Search In The Top 5?
Can anyone help me to how I rank my website in the top 5 in SERP? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleDeep links got issue if redirect From Browser/Mail App to App after clicked a...
Hello World, this deep links i tried but not very successful. if i use whatsapp to click the url link, the App will open, but not happening in Chrome or Safari browser for iPhone this is the url link...
View ArticleIonic 4 App Crashing on Android 12
Ionic app is crashing after installing on Android 12 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleI6 with angular : swiper instead of ion-slides (I7 deprecated) : try to add...
ion-slide deprecated in I7. So i replace ion-slldes with swiper in I6/Angular But now i would like to add a slide dynamically When you read Swiper API Manipulation module adds useful Swiper methods to...
View ArticleIonic vue forcing android styles on ios
Hi, im building a web app with ionic and vue but found a brick wall when it comes to styles. The only way suggested by ionic to alter the global config on vue (Config | Ionic Documentation) is when...
View ArticleI would like to get access to the Capacitor group on Slack
I would like to get access to the Capacitor group on Slack: 2 posts - 2 participants Read full topic
View ArticleIon-datetime arrow buttons and swiping skipping months
When I click the next and previous arrow buttons or swipe left or right on the ion-datetime component it skips every other month. This behavior can be replicated on the documentation page...
View ArticleUse Ionic Portal inside Ionic Framework React Native Apps? (Webview inside...
Is it possible to embed an Ionic Portal inside of an Ionic Framework 6 React App? I would like to embed a few pages from a Shopify Store inside my Ionic Framework iOS and Android apps (on web we will...
View ArticleCalling addListener in TypeScript to add event listener to Capacitor Plugin
I am writing a Capacitor plugin for an Ionic Vue application. My question is pretty simple. I am getting an error when running “ionic build” in my Ionic app when it is trying to register the callback...
View ArticleCapacitor App running only for the first time
The first time I install my capacitor app on a device the app works correctly. But if I close my app, and open again the app don’t work anymore and get stuck on the white screen forever.The app also...
View ArticleCompiling only with some components from a dependency library (i.e. ionic)
I’ve built a custom component which depends on @ionic/core to show some buttons. When compiling the component, I’ve imported the whole ionic library and it works fine, but it also generates the...
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