Facing issues using Angular Material Datepicker in Ionic modal - Ionic v6
Hi, I am trying to use latest ionic v6 with angular material v13 (latest and greatest for everything ). I have a page where I am using Ionic modal combined with datepicker controls where I am facing...
View ArticleWe are not able to set-cookie
We are using Ionic capacitor framework and the problem. we can’t seem to access or see the set-cookie of the header. But i can see it in the Browsers Network Tab. We have also added and http...
View ArticleCall Number plugin
I’m using Call Number plugin to make a phone call from ionic app it is working fine if the caller number is 10 digit or more. this.callNumber.callNumber(“18001010101”, true) .then(res =>...
View ArticlePackaging the Cordova plugins while creating IONIC /Cordova Android library...
I have successfully generated Android library file(.aar) from IONIC/Cordova application to reuse the third party application. But while running the third party app, getting Class not found exception...
View ArticleIon-segment doesn't change my content
Hello everyone, ionic v6 angular v11 I have this code: <ion-content> <ion-segment (ionChange)="segmentChanged($event)" value="list"> <ion-segment-button value="list">...
View ArticleIonic 5 Disable iOS Swipe Back in ONE PAGE ONLY
Hi, I want to disable swiper back only on home page and work in other pages. i tried in home.page.ts private routerOutlet: IonRouterOutlet ionViewDidEnter() { this.routerOutlet.swipeGesture = false; }...
View ArticleCan´t disable the Capacitor SplashScreen in my app
Hi, I’ve been trying to disable the default SplashScreen, but I can’t get it to go away. Following the Capacitor 3.0 config, I have tried the following: import { Platform } from '@ionic/angular';...
View ArticleIonic 5 iOS error vendor.js:971
when I launch my app I have this error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘?’ vendor.js:971. this only happen on iOS 12.5.5. and iPhone 6, I tested in iPhone 8 and iOS 14.6 and doesn’t happened. Any idea...
View ArticleswipeGesture in ion-segment has no effect
I tried hard to make the segment feature with swipe gesture (left and right) work, but no success. Could it be a bug or I have not done it correctly? Any help is appreciated. <ion-segment...
View ArticleSave checkboxes value in data
I have the following code for rendering my checkboxes: <ion-list-header> <ion-label>Reason</ion-label> </ion-list-header> <ion-item v-for="entry in form"...
View ArticleNorton install with product key
Norton is a trusted program that beefs up the online security for your data and device. It keeps your device digitally protected. You can install Norton on your device in order to protect it from...
View ArticleIos blocks user interaction (.allowUserInteraction)
Hello! Im using Ionic version 6 and Capacitor 3… and when im creating an staggered list animation, iOS blocks touch events while the list is animating… is it possible to perhaps set a global setting...
View ArticleIonic 6 IonInput outlined height
Hello, Im trying to make ionic input height of 40px, I have a structure like so: <IonItem fill="outline" > <IonLabel position="floating"> Some label </IonLabel> <IonInput...
View ArticleIonAlert Mode
Hello All. I always use in IonAlert the mode=“ios” but what happens when the app runs in an android devices. Does it works in mode ios? or it will use mode “md”? or it wont work? I would like it to...
View ArticleCan't play video with local file in android
i have avi file in local file directory file:///storage/emulated/0/ionic_download/2022-02-07/18/18-59-32.avi but the problem is that I want to play video with above file path. data[i].toURL() is above...
View ArticleHow to print page in Ionic Framework
Please describe the questio Tried to print page in ionic app, I Have used ionic version 6. It works on ionic lab. But when we try to run on android phone it is not working. The code I Used was :...
View ArticleIs it possible to use combo virtual box, macOs, Xcode etc with any efficiency...
I need to build my apps for ios but I only have a notebook with 16g of ram that has windows installed. Is it possible to use combo virtual box, macOs, Xcode etc with any efficiency to build my...
View ArticleHow To Protect IPhone 13 Camera
Can anyone share how can I protect my iphone 13 camera? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleAdvanced-http plugin error. TLS connection could not be established:...
Good day. Could anybody suggest please how to solve this problem? TLS connection could not be established: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust...
View ArticlePWA Specific Build Hooks
Hello Ionic community! I have a quick question regarding Ionic PWAs. Are there any build hooks I can use that are specific to the PWA target? I’d like to add a hook just for building the PWA version...
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