Ionic 6 Inputs - How to use new styles
I understand in the blog Ionic 6 has support for input styles outline and filled for android? I can’t find reference to this in the documentation, does any one know how to apply these new styles?...
View ArticleIonic cordova run android does not generate a fresh app-debug.apk
Recently I started seing a strange behavior, when I run ionic cordova run android to deploy my debug version of the app to an actual android device, the generated app-debug.apk does not reflect the...
View ArticleBuild ionic vue app as library to be used in a website
Hi there, is there a way to build an ionic vue app as a library so it can be injected in an existing website? I can get the vue app built as a library by running yarn build which is defined as...
View ArticleAsync not working for Subject.asObservable
I’ve come across what appears to be an access issue. I have a Subject in a service, shared via a public accessor as an observable. // can't subscribe with async private _connection$:...
View ArticleRunning method to fit text in div
Hello, I’m new to Vue and Ionic so I’m learning as I go. I want to fit some text into a certain DIV i have on my page. But I cannot seem to make it work. I want with page load to run a certain...
View ArticleCan't run ionic app on device all of a sudden: Package...
All of a sudden when i run: ionic corova run ios i am getting the following: An unhandled exception occurred: Package "@ionic/angular-toolkit" has no builders defined. See...
View ArticleBackground transparent
My app is scanning qrcode. For this I am using the capacitor-community barcode-scanner plugin. With previous versions of ionic I had no problems; I had used the css to get the transparent background...
View ArticleMultiple Show More/Show Less inside ngFor data on button click
I have a list of items and there have multiple shows more, I want to hide when one show more is open, once the user clicked on the second one previous one should be closed please can you help me with...
View ArticleCORS issue on Android though http://localhost is added on Backend
Running mobile app using npx cap run andriod has CORS error though http://localhost is already added as CORS on Backend. If I run website using dist folder using serve -l 80 -s dist, it doesn’t have...
View ArticleThin lines rendering issue with Safari engine
Hi! i’m using ionic react to build my application and i have this registration page with very thin lines (1px), no problem running my app on android/chrome but as soon as i try it with safari i get...
View ArticleConfusion with npm dependencies
I always get confused with the npm packages and dependencies. I am trying to install the latest version of @angular-devkit/build-angular , it gives me this error: npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR!...
View ArticleHow to apply transition to .button-native::after
I need to add transition to background-color of ion-button. My css: ion-button{ –transition: all 2s ease-in-out; → only have transition on text color } Transition on background color only works when I...
View ArticleCreate a "Dynamic Modal" in a Service?
I would like to fix some issues and automate some stuff when I create a modal in Ionic V4. The solution I’ve found is to create a service to create my modals for me. @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root'...
View ArticleIonic v6 Stackblitz?
Hi All, I am not that great with Stackblitz but is anyone please able to provide a Stackblitz of the latest ionic 6 with Angular 13? It makes it easier when trying discuss bugs, how tos. Big thanks in...
View ArticleCalling addListener in TypeScript to add event listener to Capacitor Plugin
I am writing a Capacitor plugin for an Ionic Vue application. My question is pretty simple. I am getting an error when running “ionic build” in my Ionic app when it is trying to register the callback...
View ArticleUnable to open camera using native camera function on some android device
how to fix on some android device that unable to open native camera ? this is my ionic info and im using @ionic-native/camera@5.36.0. im using standard code to access native camera , but some android...
View ArticleCommand ionic capacitor run android doesn't work!
Hi everyone! I am a young developer looking to create an application using ionic. trying to start the emulator via capacitor, however, I get the following error: capacitor.cmd run android --target...
View ArticleIonic 5 Dark theme Android
Hi, I have developed an Ionic 5 App but I´m having problem with dark theme. I have in my variable.scss file the following code: @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { . . . . } In IoS device it works...
View ArticleIonic capacitor android: SQLite plugin - executeSql API always returns a...
ionic version - 6.18.1 cordova --version: 11.0.0 Angular CLI: 13.1.4 Android: 12 (SDK: 31) executeSql API always returns a rejected promise even for successful execution of queries. For instance, the...
View ArticleBug on IOS/Safari with the ion-refresher
Hello, I encounter an issue with the ion-refresher component when there is a fixed element in the page. For example, I use fixed tabs but since I added the refresher, the tabs doesn’t keep the top...
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