adMob pro error on ios
Hello! I am trying to implement ads through admob-plus and when I try to open the ads in a browser through manual button presses it seems to run fine albeit without an actual ad showing up. However,...
View ArticleAndroid 11 no display data
Good, I’m using a phone with android 11, I consume an api but the data always comes out blank, but if I use an ionic serve to upload my project to the navigation it brings me all the information, I’ve...
View ArticleHow to prevent split-pane create new pages when I swithc between pages
I use Ionic 5 + Vue 3’s composition API. This is very annoying because my APP requires running something in the background. I could not put everything inside app.vue… This animation shows on that page...
View ArticleHow to solve Ionic error "Error acquiring assertion"
I’m stack on ios deployment for the ionic project. On the project, we have used for video. if I deployed android build not any issue was found but if I build the ios build and run in emulator then the...
View ArticleIonic forum bug, cannot change email address so that i can log in with...
Hello, I can sign out, but when i click Log in it logs me back in on the same email. I can not see any other option while this is not the account I want to log in with. Please help, how can i see the...
View ArticleChange the style of active ion-segment-button change slide in vue js
is there any way to design active ion-segment-button ? <ion-toolbar> <ion-segment :value="tabs" @ionChange="segmentChanged($event)" scrollable> <ion-segment-button value="0">...
View ArticleFriends management API service
Hope this is the right section for my matter, did not find a better one. I am searching for a provider/ backend service that offers sth like a Friends-List-API. So a ready to use API that has standard...
View ArticlePush notification plugin is not working android in Capacitor v2
Hello, everyone. I am building an ionic project using capacitor. I am working on an ionic capacitor v2 project. I am able to implement push notifications via firebase cloud messaging. is working as...
View ArticleHorizontal slide for react
Hi there, Does anyone has a working implementation for horizontal sliding using React? There a tons of working examples for Angular but can’t find any for React. Here’s an example of what I’m trying...
View ArticleDisplay calendar of months in ionic vuejs
i want to display calendar of months like the picture below. any help !? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleJava.exe path is wrong
Hi everyone, javac -version: javac 17.0.2 I have two Java folders: 1- C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk-17.0.2 2- C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Java \ jre1.8.0_321 When I type the command “ionic capacitor...
View ArticleFramework delegate missing when using modalController.create in React
Hello everyone. I’ve been using the useIonModal hook everywhere in my app, and it works fine, but now I wanted to make my own modal hook, in order to know when the modal is displayed and when it is...
View ArticleDeep linking issue
I am having an issue where if I create a deep link I get a 404 error. If you go to this link: I will get a 404 error. If I then go to the root:...
View ArticleIssue with rounding corners in ion item Safari only
I am trying to have round corners in my ion items across my app, when i serve in chrome to debug it shows rounded with no problems but when i try in safari or my Iphone, all the corners go back to...
View ArticleIonPopover trigger not working
Hello. Im getting this error when trying to use IonPopover: JSX attribute) trigger: string The type ‘{ children: Element; trigger:string; side:string; }’ cannot be assigned to type...
View ArticleNo device target ID with capacitor run ios --list
Hi, I want to run my ionic app with capacitor on my phsiscal device, an iPhone 13 mini. But I can not detect the target id. With ionic cap run ios --list I got a “?”: ❯ ionic cap run ios --list Name |...
View ArticleNavigator.credentials is undefined
I want to implement Webauthn in my capacitor ionic vue app. It should be supported and it navigator.credentials is available everywhere (desktop safari, mobile Safari even when I use the native...
View ArticleCreate slides dynamically
Hi everyone, I have a problem. I have a blank page and I would like to put one or more slides based on the response from the web service. I inserted a div in the page with the [innerHTML] attribute...
View ArticleFit the height of ion-content to the content of ion-slide
the height of the content for a slide is not filling the whole content. This means I have a blank space at the bottom of the slide. how can i fit the height of ion-content to the content of ion-slide?...
View ArticleJumio Integration Ionic + Capacitor
Hi all, I wrote this bug: @ionic-native/jumio · Issue #24788 · ionic-team/ionic-framework · GitHub and it’s been closed, can you look in to it please? Thanks in advance 1 post - 1 participant Read...
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