Splash screen not hiding on Android
Like the title says, the splash screen is not hiding on Android. Capacitor 3.4.1, @capacitor/splash-screen 1.2.2 capacitor.config.ts has: plugins: { SplashScreen: { launchAutoHide: false,...
View ArticleDevice info on Android shows platform as 'web'
Using capacitor 3.4.1, @capacitor/device 1.1.2 I use this code: import { Device } from '@capacitor/device'; const info = await Device.getInfo(); console.log(`Device platform is '${info.platform}'`);...
View ArticleSecond Webview?
Hi, I’m trying to find out if there’s a way to add a second webview. I need to be able to launch a remote site while still having all the push notification listeners and app state listeners...
View ArticleIon-searchbar custom icon
Hello there, for my client I need to use a different icon along with the ion-searchbar, which is unfortunately not covered by ionicons library. Is there a way to have a custom icon for the searchbar...
View ArticleProblem with Async request into Angular-Capacitor setup
Hi I am experiencing problems with the zone on my Angular-Capacitor app. When my app do a server request with httpClient/rxjs like: this.serviceRequest(stuff).subscribe((data:DataType) =>{...
View ArticleCannot find module...
Hi community, I am upgrading our ionic app to latest version of ionic and angular. I thought the best would be to start by testing it using the conference app. ionic serve works perfectly. ionic...
View ArticleIonic and Apple ODR?
We’re creating a larger casino app. With the recent changes of Apple guidelines, we’re no longer able to sideload the HTML5 games to play, Apple now requires them to be bundled in the IPA (not...
View ArticleLocalNotifications: how to use image from vuex store as 'largeIcon'
Hey, I am building an app with VueJS/Vuetify and Capacitor for Android. The app allows the user to create reminders for certain tasks that are linked to profiles they have created before. I managed to...
View ArticleGitHub login asks for access to my private repos?!
Hey I tried to login via GitHub, but I have to agree to share my private repos with this site ?? What is this needed for? I see no scenario in which I want to share my private repos with a forum (they...
View ArticleHow do i deploy my Ionic vue app on Heroku
I want to share the pre-prod pwa version with my team mates via heroku hosting how do i that. I tried a option given by simon from devdatic but none of them worked… Any Pointers 1 post - 1 participant...
View ArticleAndroid released app colors changed across multiple devices, without any...
I have different android and iOS apps on their respective app stores made with Ionic + Angular + Capacitor, and all of a sudden two of our android apps which were previously functioning fine are...
View ArticleHow to force redraw of ion-select?
Hi, I have an ion-select with a static, hardcoded list of items. However, the displayed text is translated with a pipe: <ion-item> <ion-label position="floating">{{'Position' |...
View ArticleBad Link in Ionic Ripple Effect Doc Page
When I was reading this page - ion-ripple-effect | Ripple Effect Button Component for Ionic Apps - the first link for the Material Design Ripple Effect is a bad link. It takes me to a 404 error page....
View ArticleAndroid 11 no display data
Good, I’m using a phone with android 11, I consume an api but the data always comes out blank, but if I use an ionic serve to upload my project to the navigation it brings me all the information, I’ve...
View ArticleLocalNotifications: how to use dynamic image as 'largeIcon'?
Hey, I am building an app with VueJS/Vuetify and Capacitor for Android. The app allows the user to create reminders for certain tasks that are linked to profiles they have created before. I managed to...
View ArticleUnable to run ionic application with nodejs V16
since i have installed the latest version in Nodejs(v16.13.2), i’m unabel to run my application runnig ionic serve command shows this error in console [app-scripts]...
View ArticleIonic Toolbar Fade as User Scrolls
We use ion-tab-bar and ion-tab-button to control the tabs in the bottom of our Ionic app. I have wrapped each button in a div, and can control the border-radius, background-color, etc. fairly easily...
View ArticleIonic 6 ion-select not opening why?
hello, i dont undestand why ion-select on ios divace not opening options? if any have solution please help about solve. 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleReact: Disable or limit swiping
Whenever I swipe between pages, my application displays animation twice while clicking (routerLink, useIonRouter) works as expected. My page headers show in the wrong order when I swipe forward. For...
View ArticleNew view of ion-action-sheet in v.5
Good day! I created many things with Ionic Framework, but now i need to create something new, which I never see and did before. Can someone help: what I’ve to do? What kind of component I can use? It...
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